Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast



This show is all about helping you take action TODAY to think better, eat better, and move better so that you can become healthier, more confident and energetic version of yourself.


  • 353: Bloating, Constipation and Heartburn is Not Normal

    14/08/2023 Duração: 32min

    My epic hike a few weeks ago was made possible by strong legs, a good attitude and a well functioning digestive system. We hiked 5 hours into the wilderness, and camped by a lake with no facilities. Arguably, squatting in the woods to poop is more pleasant than most pit toilets. Nonetheless, the trip would have been much different (or non existant) if I struggled with diarhea, stomach pain, bloating or constipation.  Digestive issues affect many people, but is often overlooked, and we certainly don't talk about it.  And it can make life challenging.  ❤️‍

  • 352: The Gift of Making a Decision and Sticking With It

    07/08/2023 Duração: 28min

      My dad always says that any decision is better than no decision, and I think he's right. When we waffle in indecision, we waste time and energy, and I don't know about you, but I need all the time and energy I can get.  It's simple, but not always easy. I waffled in indecision on this podast. Which topic should I speak on? Should I redo it? Is it good enough? Should I record one or two today? Should I wait to record tomorrow after I plan it out better? Time wasted. Motivation wasted. Energy wasted. I bet you've been there before—stuck in the land of "I don't know" or "maybe later." It's like a fog that clouds our clarity, making you feel uncomfortable and unsure. But here's the secret sauce: when you finally decide and commit, that fog lifts, and you can see a clear path ahead. And that, my friend, feels good. Now, I totally get it—making decisions can be scary sometimes. Take picking a diet plan. There are SO MANY out there. Which one to choose? You fear making the wrong choice, so you freeze up. Or you

  • 351: Breathe Your Way Better with Sachin Patel

    31/07/2023 Duração: 47min

    What if there was something free, simple to use that could help you sleep better, reduce stress, improve your immune system, digestion and metabolism? What if you already had access to it? My friends, do not skip this episode! For years (in fact, just until the last few months), I avoided learning or engaging in anything related to breathwork. I thought I already was good at breathing. I thought I knew how important it is to breath properly. I thought learning to use your breath could be done in less than 5 minutes. I mean, we breath 22,000 times a day; it can’t be that complicated! But what I knew was just scratching the surface. Since I’m a newbie to breathwork, so I wanted to bring on an expert to the podcast to pique your interest to start to pay attention to, and unlock the power of your breath. My guest, Sachin Patel is a father, husband, philanthropist, functional medicine practice success coach, speaker, author, breath-work facilitator, and plant medicine advocate.
 Sachin is committed to to helpi

  • 350: 10 Lessons to Upgrade your Life

    24/07/2023 Duração: 31min

    I'm fresh off a week long vacation, getting lost in the woods with my son Jacob. We hiked just over 50K (and it was a tough 50K!) from Port Renfrew to Jordan River on the Juan de Fuca Trail.    And it was AWESOME.  Most of it, anyway. The first day was tough. The hike was a bit more 'up and down' and challenging than I expected. After 7 hours of hiking, my knees were sore, and I realized just how heavy my backpack was.    By the time we got to our first campsite, I started doubting myself. I started wondering if we had taken on too much. I started to feel guilty because perhaps I was making Jacob do something he didn't really want to do. I started resenting the fact that I brought four pairs of underwear, and two pairs of shorts. I started wishing I had brought more trailmix as we worked through nearly half our snacks on the first day.    And through challenges, comes lessons and growth. I wrote this reflection down in my heavy, hard-covered journal which I also brought with me on the hike.   Travel Light:

  • 349: Health Hacks for Weight Loss and Consistency with Caroline Milne

    17/07/2023 Duração: 55min

    Do you WANT to take better care of yourself, but find that there is always something competing for your time? Do you wear multiple hats, balancing being a mom or grandmother, or caregiver with work, taking care of the household, and always find self-care and health goals at the bottom of your list of things to do? My friend, you’re not alone, and you’re going to love my interview with Caroline Milne. Caroline is an executive coach, helping women level up their health and lifestyle, with practical, achievable, and sustainable habits. Before becoming a health coach, Caroline was an architect and understands the pressures and constraints of the corporate space and the consequences to health. In this episode, we cover: The difference between striving to be the best version of yourself and getting stuck in the perfectionism trap How calling yourself out and asking more of yourself can be the greatest form of self-love and self-respect The power of simple questions to remove overwhelm and find clarity HOW t

  • 348: Finding Your WHY for Weight Loss and Sticking to Your Plan

    10/07/2023 Duração: 24min

    You've probably heard that if you want to create change, you need to find your WHY I agree. I think knowing the reasons why you want to do something, such as losing weight or improving your health is important.  But what if you don't have a good reason why? Is wanting to be thin enough?  I have some thoughts

  • 347: Fatigue, Joint Pain and Too Much Iron with Dustin McFarland

    03/07/2023 Duração: 45min

    Do you suffer from fatigue, joint and muscle pain? Have you ever through that these symptoms could be due to iron overload? Iron is a crucial mineral necessary for maintaining good health. It plays a vital role as a primary component of hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. By carrying oxygen to the cells, hemoglobin facilitates energy production and supports cellular development and repair processes. During the menopausal transition, which can be likened to a roller coaster ride, iron levels may also experience fluctuations. Many women, when they have a regular menstrual cycle, or go through peri-menopause and experience heavier menstrual periods, are at risk for iron deficiency. In post-menopause, women are more likely to have issues with toxic iron overload. When you are no longer menstruating you don’t have the opportunity to release iron with your monthly bleed anymore. Over time your iron starts to store, leading to iron overload. Iron overload is a condition

  • 346: How Do You Want to Feel?

    26/06/2023 Duração: 23min

    A few weeks ago I went on a camping trip and it was LOVELY. I spent the long weekend with my family, disconnected from the 'real world'. No cell phones, no social media, no day-to-day 'to-do's'. I slowed down, walked each day, I spent time in nature, and many hours sitting on a boat, watching the rhythmic pattern of the fishing rod. And yes, we caught lots of trout as well. I felt calm and I felt happy. And those are two feelings I want more of in my life. To state the obvious, it's much easier to feel calm and happy on vacation. But I do think that with some more intention and focus, we can feel the way we want to feel more often in our life. After all, everything we want in life is because we want to feel a certain way. We want to feel secure, safe, loved, content. In this episode I share a simple exercise to create more feelings of calm and happy in my life. The exercise is applicable no matter which feelings you'd like more of in life. My friend, I'm glad you're here. Press play and let's go! -Tanja x  

  • FVY 345: Fulfillment and Freedom with Christine Jewell

    19/06/2023 Duração: 50min

    Are you tired of pushing through each day, checking off the boxes, only to get up and do it all over again? Have you chased weight loss for the promise of happiness and confidence, only to still filled with self-doubt and criticism, just in a smaller dress size? Do you feel like you always must be doing something and have a hard time taking rest? My friends, I am deeply honoured to have my good friend, Christine Jewell, on the Fit + Vibrant You Podcast. Christine Jewell is a Certified High Performance Coach, Integrative Health Coach + Spiritual Mentor who helps people upgrade their relationships, ignite their spirit and open their eyes to what else is waiting for them as they step boldly into a new operating system for loving, leading and living--with God at the core of it all. She’s also a mother of 6, ages 6-20, through a blended family, a wife, and a multi-6-figure business owner, making her intimately familiar with the overwhelm and burnout that can come when pursuing fulfillment, as well as what’s possib

  • FVY 344: Heal Your Thyroid with Dr. Alan Christianson

    12/06/2023 Duração: 41min

    What is thyroid dysfunction, exactly? What causes it? Is it reversible? Do we need medication? In this episode of the Fit + Vibrant You Podcast,  I have a conversation with Dr. Alan Christianson, author of the Thyroid Reset Diet, where we discuss: The most common causes of thyroid disease and dysfunction How the foods we choose to fuel our body can actually help reverse thyroid disease What to look for on a blood test to assess thyroid function Why your lab results might appear ‘normal’ even though you have symptoms Dr. Alan Christianson is a Board Certified Naturopathic Endocrinologist focusing on Thyroid care. He is a New York Times bestselling author whose recent titles include The Hormone Healing Cookbook and the Metabolism Reset Diet. Dr. Christianson has been featured on countless media appearances including Dr. Oz, The Doctors, and The Today Show. He is the founding president of the Endocrine Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the American College of Thyroidology. Dr. C Facebook: http

  • 343: 10 Questions to Change Your Life

    05/06/2023 Duração: 27min

    Ever find yourself standing in the pantry, pondering the options for a midday snack when your energy dips? Do you negotiate the wine on a Tuesday night, even though you committed you would reserve the pinot for weekends only? Do you feel like you have too many things on your to-do list? Often we try to fight these urges and unhelpful habits by arguing with ourselves.  “I want this”. “I shouldn’t have this”. “Just this one time won’t hurt”. “I can make up for it tomorrow”. “If I have it now I’ll be less likely to indulge later on”. And it's exhausting. There's another way... start asking QUESTIONS. Questions are POWERFUL. They have changed my life and the lives of the 100s of others I've worked with.  Questions don't attack. They don't judge. They don't assume. They evoke curiosity. And most importantly, they bring forward your higher-thinking brain (you know, the part of your brain that actually cares about your future self) instead of relying on the part of your brain that just wants instant pleasure.  Thre

  • 342: How to Create SPACE to Take Care of Yourself

    29/05/2023 Duração: 27min

    There are so many people out there saying things like “we all have the same 24 hours in our day” as if lack of time is the issue. 

In my experience, lack of time is NOT the issue.

 The real issue is a lack of bandwidth, the mental capacity to make better choices, and all-or-nothing thinking.  
it’s so much easier to make better choices when we feel calm, focused, and peaceful. Yet it’s so easy for stress and feelings of overwhelm to overtake our life. 

If you want to create change in your life, the first step is not to try to fit it in, it’s to give yourself SPACE. 

Here are a few things I do:

 ❤️ I have 2 alarms that go off during the day to remind me to focus on my goals and breath. ❤️ I plan my day. I make my plan match the reality of my day. This is BIG. If you over-plan, you’ll probably feel stressed out. If you don’t plan to take care of yourself, it probably won’t happen. ❤️ I ask myself A LOT of questions during the day to challenge the reasons I might feel overwhelmed or stressed. For exam

  • 341: Keeping Motivated when You're a Serial Starter

    22/05/2023 Duração: 30min

    If you’re like many people, you feel inspired, motivated, and enthusiastic when you start a project or program. Maybe you've had a health scare, or are motivated to get in shape for an upcoming vacation. Either way, you are DRIVEN to take action. It almost feels easy. But over time, that motivation wanes.  You feel less excited to close the kitchen after dinner. You feel less enthusiastic about drinking sparkling water instead of wine.  You feel less motivated to get up before sunrise to go to the gym. Prepping your food feels like a big pain. Maybe you even feel resentful that you have to plan your meals while your slim friend can seemingly eat whatever she wants. In the past, you’ve given up. You slipped back into old habits and patterns.  The problem isn't that your motivation waned. The problem isn't that you don't feel the same level of enthusiasm as when you first started. The problem is that you relied on that feeling to go for your workout or say no thank you to the wine.  AND... you never did anyt

  • 340: The Truth Behind "Calories In and Calories Out" for Weight Loss

    15/05/2023 Duração: 20min

    You've probably heard about "calories in, calories out" when it comes to weight loss. Those "for" it say that this is the principle that governs weight loss:  that weight loss or gain is determined by the balance between the calories consumed and the calories burned through physical activity and metabolic processes. Others say that this model is antiquated, and just downright wrong.  In this week's podcast I share the real science behind the usefulness of the CICO model AND its limitations. If you have a weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance goal (and yes, you'll probably fit into one of those categories ;) this episode is for you. Join me for some common sense and a practical guide to weight loss. If you have questions, reach out via email: or you can message me on social media. Want to learn more about working together? Book a call at -Tanja x

  • 339: The Energy Series: Thyroid and Metabolism [Part 5]

    08/05/2023 Duração: 25min

    In our final episode in the Energy Series, we're going to take a look at the thyroid gland, thyroid hormones and how it impacts your ENERGY. Fun fact: Did you know you have thyroid hormone receptors on every single cell of your body? Although we often associate the thyroid gland with our metabolism, the thyroid gland affects MANY functions in your body. Signs of an underactive thyroid gland (which is far more common and overactive) are: brain fog or memory problems hair loss low energy/ fatigue weight gain constipation depression or mood swings high cholesterol sensitivity to cold In this week's episode I share:

  • 338: How I Make My Quick + Easy Protein Bowls

    01/05/2023 Duração: 25min

    Sometimes I don’t want to share how I eat because I don’t think there’s anything to share. I don’t have any fancy recipes. My meals are certainly not ‘Instagram worthy’ (though I do often post to my stories on instagram @tanja_shaw... along with many cat videos

  • 337: SMART Goals Meet Inspired Goals

    24/04/2023 Duração: 27min

    If you ever wanted to achieve any sort of result, whether it was in health and fitness, business or your career, you’ve probably learned about the importance of setting SMART goals. And when I you worked with me when I first started my coaching career, I would have helped you do the same. We would sit down together and come up with a goal that fit the golden standard: it was specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. In health and fitness, some examples are “to lose 15 pounds by November 1” or “to run 5K in under 23 minutes by October 15th. The goal is neat, clean, clear and at the same time, completely uninspiring. And for the longest time, I never questioned the idea. I accepted the need for goals to be SMART as a truth. But, perhaps it is possible that there’s another way (and there is). But that doesn't mean that SMART goals don't have their place. We're not going to get anywhere by saying “one day I’ll get fit” or “one day I’ll lose weight”. Dreams without action are, well, just dreams.

  • 336: The Energy Series: Blood Sugar Dysregulation [Part 4]

    17/04/2023 Duração: 24min

    I used to think that you didn't need to pay attention to blood sugar unless you had diabetes. I used to think that feeling hangry if I didn't eat every 2-3 hours was normal. I also used to think that going low carb was the best way to regulate blood sugar and improve energy. And I was WRONG.  In part 4 of the energy series, we're going to take a look at blood sugar regulation and its role in energy. If you feel tired throughout the day, if you have difficulty staying asleep, if you crave carbs or sugar, or if you feel 'hangry' if you miss a meal, chances are you have issues with blood sugar regulation.  In this week’s podcast, I share: ✔︎ How your body is supposed to work, and what goes wrong ✔︎ How to tell if you struggle with blood sugar dysregulation ✔︎ How to balance your blood sugar levels and possibly reverse insulin resistance I’m glad you’re here! If being happy, healthy, and energetic is something you're after, make sure you sign up for the 5-Day Healthy Hormones Summit happening April 24-28. T

  • 335: The Energy Series: Adrenal Dysregulation [PART 3]

    10/04/2023 Duração: 42min

    Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Are you exhausted throughout the day? Struggle with brain fog or low motivation? Do you feel tired but wired? Trouble losing weight, or are you gaining weight around your midsection? If so, you're in the right place.  In part 3 in the energy series, we're going to take a look at the adrenals, and two important hormones that they produce: cortisol and DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone- but let's just call it DHEA :)  Cortisol’s main role is to prepare your body to interact with the external environment (such as to run from danger). And just like most hormones in the body, we want enough cortisol levels- not too much, and not too little. Both low and high cortisol (and both low and high DHEA) causes problems.  In this episode I share: How to tell if you have high or low cortisol The weight loss advice that are burdening your adrenals and making it harder to lose weight Basic lifestyle protocols to support your adrenals so that you return to balance, resiliency,

  • 334: The Energy Series: Why Minerals Matter [PART 2]

    03/04/2023 Duração: 23min

    Welcome back! My goal for this series is to give you hope that you can uncover the actual reason why you're feeling exhausted all the time so that you can reclaim your energy and get back to feeling good. In part 2 on this special series on ENERGY, we dive into the importance of MINERAL balance.  In part 2 of the series, I share: ✔︎ Why you should actually care about minerals ✔︎ Why calcium supplements might be making your symptoms worse ✔︎ The specific mineral imbalances that might be responsible for fatigue (amongst other symptoms such as poor digestion, brain fog and weight loss resistance) My friend, I'm so glad that you are here. I want you to have vibrant energy so that you can feel good and feel like YOU again. If you have questions, reach out via email: or you can message me on social media. Want to learn more about working together? Book a call at -Tanja x When you’re ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help. ⭐️  FREE Quiz: Uncover Your We

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