Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast

343: 10 Questions to Change Your Life



Ever find yourself standing in the pantry, pondering the options for a midday snack when your energy dips? Do you negotiate the wine on a Tuesday night, even though you committed you would reserve the pinot for weekends only? Do you feel like you have too many things on your to-do list? Often we try to fight these urges and unhelpful habits by arguing with ourselves.  “I want this”. “I shouldn’t have this”. “Just this one time won’t hurt”. “I can make up for it tomorrow”. “If I have it now I’ll be less likely to indulge later on”. And it's exhausting. There's another way... start asking QUESTIONS. Questions are POWERFUL. They have changed my life and the lives of the 100s of others I've worked with.  Questions don't attack. They don't judge. They don't assume. They evoke curiosity. And most importantly, they bring forward your higher-thinking brain (you know, the part of your brain that actually cares about your future self) instead of relying on the part of your brain that just wants instant pleasure.  Thre