Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast

352: The Gift of Making a Decision and Sticking With It



  My dad always says that any decision is better than no decision, and I think he's right. When we waffle in indecision, we waste time and energy, and I don't know about you, but I need all the time and energy I can get.  It's simple, but not always easy. I waffled in indecision on this podast. Which topic should I speak on? Should I redo it? Is it good enough? Should I record one or two today? Should I wait to record tomorrow after I plan it out better? Time wasted. Motivation wasted. Energy wasted. I bet you've been there before—stuck in the land of "I don't know" or "maybe later." It's like a fog that clouds our clarity, making you feel uncomfortable and unsure. But here's the secret sauce: when you finally decide and commit, that fog lifts, and you can see a clear path ahead. And that, my friend, feels good. Now, I totally get it—making decisions can be scary sometimes. Take picking a diet plan. There are SO MANY out there. Which one to choose? You fear making the wrong choice, so you freeze up. Or you