Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast



This show is all about helping you take action TODAY to think better, eat better, and move better so that you can become healthier, more confident and energetic version of yourself.


  • 370: The Best Books I Read in 2023

    11/12/2023 Duração: 36min

    You asked “what are some of your top book recommendations?’ and here's my answer! I generally have a book on audible and a 'real' book or two on the go. In this podcast I share my favourites in 2023. I also share a few of my insights and takeaways from each book, so even if you don't read it, you'll get a lot out of this episode! I did a similar episode in 2021 (check out episode 262 of the podcast). I thought I also did one last year, but now I can't find it. This time of year you might be spending more time reading indoors with a cup of tea and a blanket, or perhaps you’re looking for gifts for others, or yourself.  Here’s my list for 2023. Come as You Are by Emily Nagoski Untamed by Glennon Doyle Finding Your Way Home: A Soul Survival Kit by Melody Beattie Is This Normal? By Jolene Brighten Breathe by James Nestor Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It by Kamal Ravikant *Contains affiliate links. There’s no cost to you but if you do choose to follow the link to purchase, I get a few dollars

  • 369: Breaking the Sugar Addiction with Danielle Daem

    04/12/2023 Duração: 56min

    How many diets have you been on? How many times have you tried to ‘clean up your eating’ or ‘kick sugar’, only to find yourself back in the pantry with your face in a box of Oreos? It’s frustrating, but as my guest, Danielle Daem says “Sugar addiction is NOT your fault. But it is your responsibility to heal.” Danielle Daem is a Sugar Freedom Expert and somatic Embodiment Coach who is passionate about helping women heal their relationship with sugar and themselves so they can reclaim control over their health and energy once and for all! In our conversation you’ll discover: whether you are, indeed, a ‘sugar addict’ if you should give up sugar altogether, or have some in moderation why most sugar detox programs don’t work for the long-term Press play, and enjoy my conversation with Danielle Daem. I’m so glad you’re here! -Tanja x Get in touch with Danielle: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube:

  • 368: I Know What to Do.... Why Am I Not Doing It?

    27/11/2023 Duração: 33min

    If I had a nickel every time I heard someone tell me, "I know what to do... why am I not doing it?" Well, I'd have a lot of nickels. Here's the thing: it sounds true, but it's a lie that's keeping you stuck. It's a convenient excuse that's keeping you comfortable. Here's what I mean: You might KNOW the surface-level habits, tactics, and strategies. You know you should be going to bed earlier, working out more, skipping the wine, eating less, reducing carbs, not eating at night, etc. But that's not the knowledge you're missing. That's the easy part. That's not the work you need to do. I love workout plans and recipes as much as the next person, but that's rarely what's needed to make a lasting transformation. What you need to learn is what's happening in your mind and in your heart. What are the stories? What are the patterns? What are the belief systems that you must overcome so that you can start creating a new story? "I know what to do. Why am I not doing it?" is a convenient excuse that is keeping you stuc

  • 367: Eating for Your Thyroid with Ginny Mahar

    20/11/2023 Duração: 52min

    Have you, or someone you care about, ever been told by your doctor that everything is normal, even though you barely have enough energy to make it through the day? Do you have an autoimmune condition and are not sure how you should be eating (or never told that what you eat even matters?) Do you have dietary restrictions (either due to a health condition or a desire to take care of your health) and have trouble navigating restaurants and travel without feeling deprived? Do you want to listen to an inspiring story? If you answered YES to any of the above (for yourself or someone you care about), you’re going to LOVE my conversation with Ginny Mahar, the Hypothyroid Chef. Here are some of the gems you’ll discover in this episode: Why it is 100% possible to be on thyroid medication, with a normal TSH and have thyroid dysfunction How to eat for autoimmune conditions (including Hashimotos) Why you need to be an advocate for YOUR health and you need to TRUST yourself. If something feels off, it IS! How to n

  • 366: But... WHY is Your Cholesterol High? [A Functional Health Perspective on Heart Health]

    13/11/2023 Duração: 32min

    Do you or someone you know have high cholesterol? Were you simply prescribed a statin or told to limit your intake of cholesterol or saturated fat? Are you trying so hard to take care of your health, but your blood chemistry shows otherwise? Many of my podcasts focus on mindset, our beliefs, our energy, and being consistent. In this episode, we're diving into the SCIENCE. I find it so FRUSTRATING that when you have high cholesterol, there is rarely any investigation into WHY these markers are high, with the exception of a recommendation to eat less fat and get a bit more exercise. Are you curious about what really influences cholesterol levels and heart health?  Join me as I dive into the heart of health, science, and empowering YOU to become an advocate of your own health. You'll learn: How high cholesterol is often a SYMPTOM of other dysfunction in the body, and what to look for to improve your cholesterol levels Why avoiding saturated fat and meat may not be the ultimate answer. The functional health pers

  • 365: Most People Have "Mindset" Wrong... Here's What You Need to Know

    06/11/2023 Duração: 22min

    I get it, mindset talk is everywhere these days, but most people have it all wrong.  You've probably heard a thousand times that your mindset is crucial, but nobody really teaches you HOW to transform it. Coaches often throw inspirational quotes at you or say, "Just stay positive" or "Stick with it," leaving you with that nagging feeling of, "I need the right mindset, but how?" These positive affirmations, like "just stick with it," might give you a temporary boost in motivation, but they're like a band-aid fix, leading to a never-ending cycle of ups and downs. In this week's podcast, I break it down for you.  Changing your mindset isn't something that magically happens. It's an active process, and that's a WONDERFUL thing. It means that you can take steps to work on it every single day. It involves unraveling those deep-rooted limiting beliefs and understanding those B.S. thoughts that get in your way. If you don't do this, you'll keep circling those same unhelpful patterns and habits. How do we do this? It

  • 364: Success Leaves Clues: Building Your Best Self Operating Manual

    30/10/2023 Duração: 28min

    When you hear the words "learning opportunity", what comes to mind? For me, its an euphenism for a failure or mistake. "No, you didn't fail, you learned!" "We learn from failure, not from success". I do agree that failures and mistakes are opportunities to learn. I do NOT agree that we don't learn from success. I think that we can learn A LOT from success, and in podcast I share how to do it.  Recall a time in life (maybe it's right now) when things were working. Maybe it's a time that you were feeling very committed to your health goals. Maybe it was a time that following through on habits just felt easy. A time you had more energy. A time you consistently slept 8-9 hours a night like a baby kitten. A time where you were very connected with your spouse and had a lot of fun with sex. A time where you were just, well, feeling GOOD. Then, press and join me on a simple process to create your 'best self operating system'. Success leaves clues. Success is an EXCELLENT opportunity to learn. Take a listen and le

  • 363: Thrive in Your Relationships with Christine Bongiovanni

    24/10/2023 Duração: 55min

    [Re-release with correct audio] Today, we're diving deep into the world of relationships on the Fit + Vibrant You podcast. I'm thrilled to introduce you to Christine Bongiovanni, a love and relationship coach with over thirty years of experience in helping women thrive in their relationships - not just with their partners, but with themselves too.

  • 363: Thrive in Your Relationships with Christine Bongiovanni

    23/10/2023 Duração: 55min

    Today, we're diving deep into the world of relationships on the Fit + Vibrant You podcast. I'm thrilled to introduce you to Christine Bongiovanni, a love and relationship coach with over thirty years of experience in helping women thrive in their relationships - not just with their partners, but with themselves too.

  • 362: All Emotions are Welcome Here

    16/10/2023 Duração: 20min

    I ventured out on a solo hike last weekend. Tears streamed down my face as I climbed to the peak. And on the descent, I couldn't hold back the uncontrollable sobs. It's definitely harder to cry while hiking up a mountain :)  During a coaching session last week, one courageous woman shed tears. She kept repeating, "This is silly. I shouldn't be struggling like this." The pressure to maintain a perpetual positive facade weighs heavily on us. We're bombarded with messages urging us to "stay positive" and "look on the bright side." But what if this relentless pursuit of positivity is doing more harm than good? There's a hidden side to this constant striving for positivity. When we continually push away our negative emotions, we deny ourselves the chance to process and heal from them. And if we suppress them long enough, they take a toll on our mental well-being. They lead to heightened stress, anxiety, and sometimes even depression. It's like bottling up a volcano; eventually, it will erupt. Remember Unikitty fro

  • 361: Identity Based Goals

    09/10/2023 Duração: 26min

    If you've been on a quest to achieve your goals, whether in health, fitness, or any area of life, you've probably heard of SMART goals – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. They're like the trusty compass guiding us toward success. But let's dive deeper as there's more to the story.

  • 360: 5 Mindset Shifts and Practices to Love the Way You Look and Feel NOW

    02/10/2023 Duração: 22min

    "I'm basically lazy" "I'm fat and ugly" "Your skin is so saggy. Everytime you move you wobble. It's ugly" These are actual words that women in my recent 5 Day Challenge would say to themselves. Ouch. I have done a few podcasts in the past on body acceptance and appreciation (check out episode 46 and 222 of the podcast) AND I believe it's a topic we need to speak about often. It's not like we can listen to a podcast or read a book and then consistenly have positive, kind, helpful thoughts about ourselves.  Body appreciate and acceptance is a practice. And I am working on it right alongside with you. In this week's episode of the Fit + Vibrant You Podcast I share 5 mindset shifts and practices that have helped me to appreciate my body. I hope it helps you as well, because life is different when you feel good in your body and you deserve to feel good. -Tanja x

  • 359: Sex, Pleasure and Intimacy in Midlife with Angie Byrd

    25/09/2023 Duração: 01h03min

    You can have the best sex of your life in midlife. Angie Byrd, my guest on this week’s podcast, stands behind that statement, and I would like to agree.‌ This podcast is all about helping you do midlife and beyond well. And in order to thrive and be our best selves, we need sex, connection, love and pleasure. Plus, when we are nourished through meaningful relationships, pleasure, passion and purpose, we can have a more relaxed relationship with food and body. Angie Byrd turns life's big questions into quests for wellness, peace, true wisdom, and living with unbridled passion. A natural leader, the insights learned from decades of living, intense experiences and working with world-class teachers led her to coaching women in the areas of health and wellness, relationships and sex, spirituality and leadership. She is the host of the Midlife Magic and Mayhem Podcast, a weekly show for women who are ready to enter unconventional conversations about what it means to be a modern woman in midlife. This show offers th

  • 358: How to Hit the Reset Button

    18/09/2023 Duração: 25min

    “I fell off the wagon” “I went totally off the rails” I hear that all of the time. Then comes the guilt and shame spiral, or making the failure epic. After all, if we’ve already fallen off the wagon, we may as well play in the mud puddles while we’re there (aka chips, chocolate, extra wine, leftover cold pizza, skipped workouts, etc.) Feeling like we're broken, or 'what's the point' it can take weeks, months, or even years to recommit. My friend, even if you've identified as a serial starter or 'all or nothing' thinker for decades, you can start a new practice right now. A practice where if you go off plan, you have the skills to regroup and carry on right away (but not let the fact that you can get back on track right away be your permission slip for going off plan in the first place).   Today on the podcast I share the mindset shifts and strategies I use to regroup and keep going when I am drifting off plan or losing focus on my goals. Take a listen. I'm glad you're here. -Tanja x P.S. If you like this p

  • 357: Aging WELL with Karen Viesta

    11/09/2023 Duração: 51min

    Aging is not synonymous with decline. Read that again and let it sink in. It is possible for this decade of your life to be better than the last. It is possible to experience vibrant health and energy in your second half of life. It is possible that your best years are still to come. If that sounds like a ‘yes please!’ to you, you’re going to love my interview with Karen Viesta. Karen Viesta is a Certified Health and Lifestyle Coach who works with women over 40 who want to transform their bodies and their lives. She is the founder of Wellegant Woman Coaching and host of the podcast, Wellegant Woman: Redefining Midlife (currently ranked #9 in Apple’s List of the Top 50 Midlife Podcasts). After going through her own midlife reinvention, Karen is passionate about helping women in midlife to age powerfully, create extraordinary health and vitality, and make each new decade even better than the last. Listen in to my conversation with Karen to discover: How to ditch the attachment to the number on the scale and in

  • 356: Abundance, Generosity and Your Relationship with Food

    04/09/2023 Duração: 21min

    Do you ever feel like there's just not enough to go around? Maybe you feel restricted around food. Maybe you feel like success is a limited resource? I certainly feel like that. I wish I could write that last sentence that in past tense, but truthfully its a feeling that comes up a lot.  I don't feel like there's enough. Wayne Dyer wrote "abundance is not something we acquire. It's something we tune into".  And on this last week's hiking adventure I was given the opportunity to tune in.  While this topic may seem like a bit of a jump from a typical health and wellness topic, I promise you that I tie it altogether in the episode. I'm so glad you're here. Tanja x

  • 355: My Favourite Workout Apps and Equipment

    28/08/2023 Duração: 31min

    This podcast was inspired by a workout I did at home yesterday. It took less than 30 minutes, used very little equipment and definitely got the job done. Side note: I REALLY didn't feel like working out. But once I made the DECISION, I stopped arguing with myself and getting started became so much easier. I talk all about decision making in episode 352. Today I want to take you behind the scenes and share what I do for my workouts, my favourite fitness apps and favourite pieces of fitness equipment. Here are a few other workout related podcasts I've done: How to Get Motivated to Workout: Spice Up Your Indoor Workouts: How to Workout to Support Your Hormones: Tips to ENJOY your Workouts: I hope this helps you.  Oh, and here are my current favourite workout shorts. I especially like the length as they prevent chaffing, the price point, and the side pocket for my keys and

  • 354: 6 Tools to Make Consistency EASIER

    21/08/2023 Duração: 30min

    Isn't it interesting how we're armed with so much information, yet creating meaningful change often feels like an uphill battle? They say "Knowledge is the first step, but application is where transformation truly happens," and I agree. You and I both know that change goes beyond theories – it requires action, and that's where the real challenge lies. It’s a classic case of "easier said than done." We've all been there, nodding our heads as we acknowledge that applying change is no walk in the park. Visualize this: trying to keep a beach ball underwater. It's relentless effort, right? Just like how we approach change – constant vigilance and pressure. But as soon as we relax our grip, that beach ball shoots up. Creating change often feels the same way – the moment we ease up, old habits resurface. What if there was a way to create change without trying so hard? I'm so glad you're here, because in this episode of the Fit + Vibrant You Podcast I share 6 tools to make it easier to create change and stay consis

  • 353: Bloating, Constipation and Heartburn is Not Normal

    14/08/2023 Duração: 32min

    My epic hike a few weeks ago was made possible by strong legs, a good attitude and a well functioning digestive system. We hiked 5 hours into the wilderness, and camped by a lake with no facilities. Arguably, squatting in the woods to poop is more pleasant than most pit toilets. Nonetheless, the trip would have been much different (or non existant) if I struggled with diarhea, stomach pain, bloating or constipation.  Digestive issues affect many people, but is often overlooked, and we certainly don't talk about it.  And it can make life challenging.  ❤️‍

  • 352: The Gift of Making a Decision and Sticking With It

    07/08/2023 Duração: 28min

      My dad always says that any decision is better than no decision, and I think he's right. When we waffle in indecision, we waste time and energy, and I don't know about you, but I need all the time and energy I can get.  It's simple, but not always easy. I waffled in indecision on this podast. Which topic should I speak on? Should I redo it? Is it good enough? Should I record one or two today? Should I wait to record tomorrow after I plan it out better? Time wasted. Motivation wasted. Energy wasted. I bet you've been there before—stuck in the land of "I don't know" or "maybe later." It's like a fog that clouds our clarity, making you feel uncomfortable and unsure. But here's the secret sauce: when you finally decide and commit, that fog lifts, and you can see a clear path ahead. And that, my friend, feels good. Now, I totally get it—making decisions can be scary sometimes. Take picking a diet plan. There are SO MANY out there. Which one to choose? You fear making the wrong choice, so you freeze up. Or you

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