Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast

341: Keeping Motivated when You're a Serial Starter



If you’re like many people, you feel inspired, motivated, and enthusiastic when you start a project or program. Maybe you've had a health scare, or are motivated to get in shape for an upcoming vacation. Either way, you are DRIVEN to take action. It almost feels easy. But over time, that motivation wanes.  You feel less excited to close the kitchen after dinner. You feel less enthusiastic about drinking sparkling water instead of wine.  You feel less motivated to get up before sunrise to go to the gym. Prepping your food feels like a big pain. Maybe you even feel resentful that you have to plan your meals while your slim friend can seemingly eat whatever she wants. In the past, you’ve given up. You slipped back into old habits and patterns.  The problem isn't that your motivation waned. The problem isn't that you don't feel the same level of enthusiasm as when you first started. The problem is that you relied on that feeling to go for your workout or say no thank you to the wine.  AND... you never did anyt