Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast

349: Health Hacks for Weight Loss and Consistency with Caroline Milne



Do you WANT to take better care of yourself, but find that there is always something competing for your time? Do you wear multiple hats, balancing being a mom or grandmother, or caregiver with work, taking care of the household, and always find self-care and health goals at the bottom of your list of things to do? My friend, you’re not alone, and you’re going to love my interview with Caroline Milne. Caroline is an executive coach, helping women level up their health and lifestyle, with practical, achievable, and sustainable habits. Before becoming a health coach, Caroline was an architect and understands the pressures and constraints of the corporate space and the consequences to health. In this episode, we cover: The difference between striving to be the best version of yourself and getting stuck in the perfectionism trap How calling yourself out and asking more of yourself can be the greatest form of self-love and self-respect The power of simple questions to remove overwhelm and find clarity HOW t