Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast

351: Breathe Your Way Better with Sachin Patel



What if there was something free, simple to use that could help you sleep better, reduce stress, improve your immune system, digestion and metabolism? What if you already had access to it? My friends, do not skip this episode! For years (in fact, just until the last few months), I avoided learning or engaging in anything related to breathwork. I thought I already was good at breathing. I thought I knew how important it is to breath properly. I thought learning to use your breath could be done in less than 5 minutes. I mean, we breath 22,000 times a day; it can’t be that complicated! But what I knew was just scratching the surface. Since I’m a newbie to breathwork, so I wanted to bring on an expert to the podcast to pique your interest to start to pay attention to, and unlock the power of your breath. My guest, Sachin Patel is a father, husband, philanthropist, functional medicine practice success coach, speaker, author, breath-work facilitator, and plant medicine advocate.
 Sachin is committed to to helpi