Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast

347: Fatigue, Joint Pain and Too Much Iron with Dustin McFarland



Do you suffer from fatigue, joint and muscle pain? Have you ever through that these symptoms could be due to iron overload? Iron is a crucial mineral necessary for maintaining good health. It plays a vital role as a primary component of hemoglobin, the molecule responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. By carrying oxygen to the cells, hemoglobin facilitates energy production and supports cellular development and repair processes. During the menopausal transition, which can be likened to a roller coaster ride, iron levels may also experience fluctuations. Many women, when they have a regular menstrual cycle, or go through peri-menopause and experience heavier menstrual periods, are at risk for iron deficiency. In post-menopause, women are more likely to have issues with toxic iron overload. When you are no longer menstruating you don’t have the opportunity to release iron with your monthly bleed anymore. Over time your iron starts to store, leading to iron overload. Iron overload is a condition