Change Your Story, Change Your Life



The stories you tell yourself determine the quality of your life. The stories you tell in business determine the level of your income. The interviews and training in this podcast will show you how to enrich every area of your life with the power of storytelling.


  • 192: Einstein Time

    20/04/2019 Duração: 19min

    EINSTEIN TIME Are you ready to always be more productive and creative? Are you ready to discover and express your unique ability and experience more joy every day? And do you want these things fast? Then listen to this episode. Your willingness to stay open to what you are about to hear in today’s show and apply it will help you feel a major shift in your view of the world, your view of time, and your view of yourself.  A shift that will empower your entire life. Here are a few of the exciting things you will discover as you listen to this podcast: Einstein Time is part of Albert Einstein’s relativity theory You experience Einstein Time when you ask, “Where does time come from?” Time comes from you, and you are time Time is a made up story Change your time story, and you change your life You will also learn that your time story corresponds either to Newton’s view of the world or Einstein’s. Newton’s view of time will keep you struggling to catch up; it will

  • 191: Game of Thrones

    17/04/2019 Duração: 21min

    GAME OF THRONES This episodes explores how the popular HBO series,  Game of Thrones, reveals important insights about storytelling. You will learn about four different aspects or levels of storytelling: CELEBRITY STORY – Our society is fascinated by celebrities and the phenomenon of celebrity in general. Why do people become passionate fans of anyone or anything? What emotional stories do they create in their minds that make them loyal to people, causes, and brands? How can you tap into the power of celebrity loyalty and apply it successfully to your business? How can you create a story about your products and services that becomes a movement that people want to join? SOCIAL MEDIA STORY – Social interaction is predominantly online today. Do you have a huge following on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social networks? Do you want to grow your following for personal or business reasons? What can you learn from Game of Thrones that will dramatically increase your influence? WH

  • 190: Future Story

    13/04/2019 Duração: 01h05min

    FUTURE STORY What if science fiction isn’t fiction at all? What if your future can be so much better than your past? What if humanity conquers death and you and I can live a thousand years with strong healthy bodies? That vision is coming to pass, and, if you embrace it, it can be your empowering future story. Today’s guest is man who has embraced this story about human evolution. His name is Chris Smedley.  His company, Digital Habitats, is Earth’s first terraformer. A terraformer modifies the atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology of a planet. Digital Habitats will create fully autonomous happy cities complete with habitation, infrastructure, and streamlined future-world transportation systems. This episode will give you a sneak peak into an exciting world that is evolving around you at exponential speed. You will get a fascinating glimpse at: Ray Kurzweil’s vision of the Singularity – that point in time in the very near future when the word HUMAN is redefined

  • 190: Future Story

    13/04/2019 Duração: 01h05min

    FUTURE STORY What if science fiction isn’t fiction at all? What if your future can be so much better than your past? What if humanity conquers death and you and I can live a thousand years with strong healthy bodies? That vision is coming to pass, and, if you embrace it, it can be your empowering future story. Today’s guest is man who has embraced this story about human evolution. His name is Chris Smedley.  His company, Digital Habitats, is Earth’s first terraformer. A terraformer modifies the atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology of a planet. Digital Habitats will create fully autonomous happy cities complete with habitation, infrastructure, and streamlined future-world transportation systems. This episode will give you a sneak peak into an exciting world that is evolving around you at exponential speed. You will get a fascinating glimpse at: Ray Kurzweil’s vision of the Singularity – that point in time in the very near future when the word HUMAN is redefined

  • 189: Beyond All Limits

    10/04/2019 Duração: 20min

    BEYOND ALL LIMITS Do you believe that your dreams are only dreams and can never become your reality? Great. You are not alone. Everyone has to face down that false belief in order to live a life beyond all limits. Today’s episode looks inside a truly life changing book, The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level, by Gay Hendricks. The book reveals an amazing and uplift truth, namely, that there is only ONE problem in life that you must challenge and overcome in order to live a life beyond all limits. He calls this inner barrier to your ultimate  fulfillment the Upper Limit Problem. You may be shocked when you discover what it is. You will learn: The key questions to ask that will expose your Upper Limit Problem How a simple breath can begin to defeat this problem and eliminate fear Why you are naturally destined for greatness How to tap into and live in your Genius Zone The ultimate weapon, a simple mantra, that slays your Upper Limit Problem Reading and applying

  • 188: Creating Yourself

    06/04/2019 Duração: 01h17min

    CREATING YOURSELF Every minute of every day, you are creating yourself. Am I being dramatic? Am I playing with words? Am I making a bold statement just to get your attention? No, no, and no. I’m expressing an idea that plays out in my life, in your life, and the lives of today’s guests. The reality that we find ourselves in 24/7 is a self-creation spun from the vivid narratives in our minds. Every aspect of your life, your relationships, your wealth or poverty, your happiness or unhappiness is a result of a story you tell yourself, focus on, and develop through a series of conscious and unconscious thoughts. You will experience the things I just wrote about as you listen to the compelling story of Natalie and Joeel Rivera, a couple drawn together by the irresistible pull of their similar unconscious stories. They met through a series of “random” events, what some would call coincidences. They developed a creative business partnership; then they married. Natalie and Joeel were on

  • 187: Inside Stories

    03/04/2019 Duração: 18min

    INSIDE STORIES Today’s episode explores the question, “Do I really like myself?” It may seem like a strange question. Actually, it is important to ask it because all of us have unconscious narratives or inside stories that limit our self worth. You will learn three powerful questions to ask that will help you get to the truth of the main question, “Do I really like myself?” They are: Am I a good receiver? You may be amazed to discover that most people, probably you too, are much more comfortable giving than receiving. The more you allow yourself to receive, the deeper your self worth becomes. How much money are my work and time worth? This question can lead to some mind-blowing revelations. Can you imagine asking and getting $16,000 an hour for your time? You will love the story about one man who does. Could you have coffee with a famous person you admire and feel like her peer? This question can reveal a lot to you about how you see yourself in relation to others. You may

  • 186: Body Stories

    30/03/2019 Duração: 24min

    BODY STORIES Everybody tells stories. This episode focuses on the stories your body tells, often without your conscious knowledge. Are you ready to explore your body stories? It’s important to become aware of the messages your body transmits to the world because those messages are more powerful than your words. You can be a good speaker with unconscious body language that contradicts your words. People will respond to and believe the body language because it speaks directly to their unconscious minds. These are some of the dangerous signals that your body may transmit that can undermine even a well prepared presentation: Arrogance Distant and cold Angry Afraid You will learn to identify common body gestures that can stand between you and your audience: Arms folded on chest Holding fingers of one hand with your other hand Hands in pockets You will discover three powerful resources to help you strengthen your communication by raising your awareness of your body stories. They are: Neutra

  • 185: Unconscious Stories

    27/03/2019 Duração: 19min

    UNCONSCIOUS STORIES We are storytelling machines. We see the world though the narratives we constantly spin like yarn out of reactions to people and events. We call these narratives “reality.” But they are just vivid perceptions. Today’s episode looks at the unconscious stories that we create every day from moment to moment. We are often not aware of them because they develop in an instant. Where do the seeds of these unconscious stories come from? From all the information that bombards us 24/7 in our digital world. Images on social media, Netflix, billboards, our phones, computers, and tablets. They come from random glances we catch from other people’s eyes. They come from all the sensory impressions that rapid fire at our minds from the world around us. The moment we receive one of these impressions, our minds begin to interpret them; those interpretations become stories that often rule our lives. A person averts our gaze, and we create a rejection story. Glamorous lifestyle ima

  • 184: Market Domination

    23/03/2019 Duração: 15min

    MARKET DOMINATION This short episode reveals the secret for any business to achieve market domination. The secret is one word – STORY. You’ll discover how your authentic story about your product or service immediately makes you stand out from all your competitors. If you don’t use stories to attract your ideal customers and clients, you are forced to compete by comparing what you offer with very similar offers that your competition makes. That usually leads to competing with price. Doing business that way is more expensive and way less profitable than using one compelling authentic story that becomes a money magnet that leads to your market domination. You’ll learn why Apple has become a dominant player who never competes on price. You’ll understand why people will pay premium prices for Apple products and even camp out overnight to be the first to purchase computers, tablets, and phones that they often don’t even need. When you see and truly get the message at the he

  • 183: Wardrobe Stories

    20/03/2019 Duração: 16min

    WARDROBE STORIES The clothing you wear makes a statement. But what about the clothing you don’t wear? You know, the suits, dresses, jeans, slacks, and every other item that covers the human body that you stopped wearing a long time ago. You don’t wear them. But you won’t give them up. Those pieces of clothing have their own unique wardrobe stories. Stories about you, the people in your life, and your past. Stories that carry a lot of emotional baggage. This episode continues our conversation about decluttering your home. This one focuses specifically on the clothes you stopped wearing but allow to live in your closets and drawers, and, more importantly, in your heart and mind. You’ll learn an exercise in today’s podcast that can help you release buried emotions that may be weighing you down and holding you back in life. You are going to confront and explore 3 kinds of clothing: Clothing that is connected to a previous relationship in your life. Maybe, it was a gift from you

  • 182: Music Power

    16/03/2019 Duração: 01h13min

    MUSIC POWER Here is one dictionary definition of music:  vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. That’s an acceptable definition, but it doesn’t capture the essence of music power. It doesn’t hint at the power of music to heal, transform, and even, to save lives. Music power embraces all of these. The guest of today’s episode is Bill Protzmann. He’s a musician. He’s also a man who has experienced the deepest meaning of music power, and he enriches people’s lives with what he’s learned. These are a few of the enriching gems you’ll discover as Bill Protzmann and I take a deep dive into the magic of music: How music literally saved Bill’s life A journey from despair to joyful song writing Music’s power to heal trauma Practical Heart Kills & how music enriches them How to identify your power music The hidden magic of gratitude and appreciation Th

  • 181: Hidden Stories

    13/03/2019 Duração: 12min

    HIDDEN STORIES There are silent hidden stories all around you. They are in your home. your office, anyplace that you repeatedly spend time in.  Does that sound wacky? It is profoundly true.  This short episode explores the hidden stories in familiar objects that we own. The question to ask is, “Do they own you?” I’m not making this up. I’m sharing insights from a powerful book, Clutter Busting: Letting Go of What’s Holding You Back, by Brooks Palmer.  Brooks’s expertise is decluttering. People hire him to help them get rid of unwanted things, usually in their homes.  Why would anyone need help getting rid of stuff they don’t want? That’s where the stories come in. Psychology has demonstrated that we get emotionally attached to inanimate objects. The reality TV show, Hoarders, focuses on extreme examples of Holding on tightly to clutter. You can’t read Clutter Busting or listen to this episode and not learn something about yourself. One of the book’

  • 180: Master Your Time

    09/03/2019 Duração: 01h03min

    MASTER YOUR TIME Are you time’s master or it’s slave? That is, without a doubt, the most important question to ask yourself right NOW! I didn’t use all caps on the word now just for dramatic emphasis. I did it because now, today, this moment in history is the age of exponential digital technology. The digital world can offer you paradise on earth – if you understand its rules and its tempo. If you don’t it will rob you of your most precious asset – TIME. Then you may experience hell on earth. Make it a priority to master your time if you value happiness, success, and abundance. Today’s guest is a man who was once enslaved by time. He freed himself from bondage. Today, he will show you exactly how to own your time, channel it effectively, and live a life of choice instead of slavish obligation. Steven Griffith is the real deal who will help you quickly master your time. These are only a few highlights of the gems you’ll discover as you listen to Steven: H

  • 179: Dramatic Storytelling

    06/03/2019 Duração: 16min

    DRAMATIC STORYTELLING Should you use dramatic storytelling in all our communication? Yes, if you want to captivate your audience and make an impact with your words. This episode reveals the secrets of dramatic communication in the work of David Mamet, acclaimed playwright and screenwriter. It’s amazing how much you can learn from one page of a famous Mamet play, American Buffalo.  You will hear me read the first page of the play’s opening scene. It is very short. The writing is sparse. And it is gripping. You’ll discover how Mamet pulls you into his story and makes you want to hear more. you’ll be inspired by how he masterfully uses these dramatic storytelling techniques: In Late, Out Early Suspense Cliffhangers Show, Don’t Tell You don’t have to be a playwright or screenwriter to effectively use these techniques in your communication. You will hear a specific example of how to do what Mamet does in your own sales presentations and storytelling. As you practic

  • 178: The Unknown

    02/03/2019 Duração: 01h11min

    FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN Everyone fears the unknown. Yes, that includes you and me. Today’s podcast guest is Ali Boone. She has created success on her own terms. She was able to do that by facing down her fear of the unknown. Her journey took her from a corporate job as an engineer (the known) to her entrepreneurial adventure as a real estate investor (the unknown). It was scary, tough, and worth it. Today, Ali Boone helps ordinary people step into extraordinary lives by creating their own financial freedom through turnkey real estate investments. You will be entertained and inspired by Ali’s story. It will shift your mind from “I can’t” to “I don’t know if I can” to “Maybe I can, but I don’t know how” to “Yes! I can!” These are just a few of the powerful insights you’ll discover in this interview with Ali Boone: Why a corporate dream turned into a corporate nightmare How a book began to change Ali’s life The true m

  • 177: Storytelling Secrets

    27/02/2019 Duração: 17min

    STORYTELLING SECRETS This episode reviews and pulls together all of the storytelling secrets you learned about in this podcast. I call them storytelling secrets because so many people don’t use them when they communicate and sell. You’ll learn the important elements of all great stories firsthand when you listen to this episode. You will experience them in action. You will hear the riveting opening paragraphs of a compelling life-changing book, Why You’re Dumb, Sick & Broke…And How to Get Smart, healthy & Rich, by Randy Gage. You can also enjoy Randy’s inspiring story by listening to episode 164 of this podcast, the episode called You Are Your Story. Randy draws you into the rich world of his book by masterfully using these storytelling elements or techniques: Hook – His first sentence grabs your attention 100%. Show, Don’t Tell – Randy doesn’t lecture you; he involves you in a suspenseful story. Vivid Language – Randy uses language

  • 176: Beyond Diabetes

    23/02/2019 Duração: 57min

    BEYOND DIABETES Today’s episode deals with a sensitive issue. Our guest is Lyle Haugen, a fascinating man who overcame a life threatening injury and won his battle against Diabetes 1. Our topic is sensitive because Lyle took control of his own health when the medical advice he was following was not helping him improve his quality of life. He took bold steps and went beyond diabetes. I’m not a medical professional, nor do I give medical advice in this episode. That would be irresponsible. I do encourage people to explore every avenue that may lead to optimal health. We all have freedom of choice. As you listen to Lyle Haugen’s story, you may feel that you are watching a movie. It’s a story of adventure, danger, courage, hope, and inspiring discovery. Lyle is a good storyteller. These are a few of the things you’ll learn about as you follow his journey: Lyle’s unlikely career as a trapper beginning at age 7 A boy’s dream to be part of the space race How and why

  • 175: Deadly Comparisons

    20/02/2019 Duração: 13min

    SOCIAL COMPARISONS Social comparisons are deadly. And in today’s world we fall prey to them all the time. Social media and the Internet are powerful resources that can enrich our lives – if we use them intentionally. Here’s what I mean. We can build a business empire with social media. We can find great prospects, leads, and strategic partnerships online. But, what can happen when we idle surf the web? We can be drawn into the deadly game of social comparisons. Think you are above that? Maybe. I would urge you to think again. We are all susceptible to the images we see on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube – pick your social media of choice. And here’s the thing. Many of those seductive images are made up. We live in a selfie world. It’s fun, entertaining, profitable, and dangerous. How dangerous? Check out the insightful research on the rise of teen suicide and it’s connection to social media. I want to emphasize that I value social media. I respect its power to enr

  • 174: Limitless Mindset

    16/02/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    LIMITLESS MINDSET I grew up constantly hearing that a sign of maturity is to know your limitations.  I believed it. And it’s nonsense. Most of the time, you will allow your doubts to define your limits. Once you accept a limit in your mind, it becomes your story; it become your reality. You become an “I can’t person.” Today’s guest is an “I can person.” She has earned the right to her success by constantly shattering limits, venturing into the unknown, and taking on big challenges. She reveals how to step into your limitless mindset. Her name is Laura Gassner Otting. Her latest book, that you can preorder on Amazon, is Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life. You are in for  a treat in this episode. You will hear a very smart, highly energetic, entertaining woman whose words and thoughts can help you shatter your limits. Here’s a glimpse at the value packed learning you’ll enjoy listening to Laura’s stor

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