Change Your Story, Change Your Life

183: Wardrobe Stories



WARDROBE STORIES The clothing you wear makes a statement. But what about the clothing you don’t wear? You know, the suits, dresses, jeans, slacks, and every other item that covers the human body that you stopped wearing a long time ago. You don’t wear them. But you won’t give them up. Those pieces of clothing have their own unique wardrobe stories. Stories about you, the people in your life, and your past. Stories that carry a lot of emotional baggage. This episode continues our conversation about decluttering your home. This one focuses specifically on the clothes you stopped wearing but allow to live in your closets and drawers, and, more importantly, in your heart and mind. You’ll learn an exercise in today’s podcast that can help you release buried emotions that may be weighing you down and holding you back in life. You are going to confront and explore 3 kinds of clothing: Clothing that is connected to a previous relationship in your life. Maybe, it was a gift from you