Change Your Story, Change Your Life

181: Hidden Stories



HIDDEN STORIES There are silent hidden stories all around you. They are in your home. your office, anyplace that you repeatedly spend time in.  Does that sound wacky? It is profoundly true.  This short episode explores the hidden stories in familiar objects that we own. The question to ask is, “Do they own you?” I’m not making this up. I’m sharing insights from a powerful book, Clutter Busting: Letting Go of What’s Holding You Back, by Brooks Palmer.  Brooks’s expertise is decluttering. People hire him to help them get rid of unwanted things, usually in their homes.  Why would anyone need help getting rid of stuff they don’t want? That’s where the stories come in. Psychology has demonstrated that we get emotionally attached to inanimate objects. The reality TV show, Hoarders, focuses on extreme examples of Holding on tightly to clutter. You can’t read Clutter Busting or listen to this episode and not learn something about yourself. One of the book’