Change Your Story, Change Your Life

176: Beyond Diabetes



BEYOND DIABETES Today’s episode deals with a sensitive issue. Our guest is Lyle Haugen, a fascinating man who overcame a life threatening injury and won his battle against Diabetes 1. Our topic is sensitive because Lyle took control of his own health when the medical advice he was following was not helping him improve his quality of life. He took bold steps and went beyond diabetes. I’m not a medical professional, nor do I give medical advice in this episode. That would be irresponsible. I do encourage people to explore every avenue that may lead to optimal health. We all have freedom of choice. As you listen to Lyle Haugen’s story, you may feel that you are watching a movie. It’s a story of adventure, danger, courage, hope, and inspiring discovery. Lyle is a good storyteller. These are a few of the things you’ll learn about as you follow his journey: Lyle’s unlikely career as a trapper beginning at age 7 A boy’s dream to be part of the space race How and why