Change Your Story, Change Your Life

174: Limitless Mindset



LIMITLESS MINDSET I grew up constantly hearing that a sign of maturity is to know your limitations.  I believed it. And it’s nonsense. Most of the time, you will allow your doubts to define your limits. Once you accept a limit in your mind, it becomes your story; it become your reality. You become an “I can’t person.” Today’s guest is an “I can person.” She has earned the right to her success by constantly shattering limits, venturing into the unknown, and taking on big challenges. She reveals how to step into your limitless mindset. Her name is Laura Gassner Otting. Her latest book, that you can preorder on Amazon, is Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life. You are in for  a treat in this episode. You will hear a very smart, highly energetic, entertaining woman whose words and thoughts can help you shatter your limits. Here’s a glimpse at the value packed learning you’ll enjoy listening to Laura’s stor