Change Your Story, Change Your Life

186: Body Stories



BODY STORIES Everybody tells stories. This episode focuses on the stories your body tells, often without your conscious knowledge. Are you ready to explore your body stories? It’s important to become aware of the messages your body transmits to the world because those messages are more powerful than your words. You can be a good speaker with unconscious body language that contradicts your words. People will respond to and believe the body language because it speaks directly to their unconscious minds. These are some of the dangerous signals that your body may transmit that can undermine even a well prepared presentation: Arrogance Distant and cold Angry Afraid You will learn to identify common body gestures that can stand between you and your audience: Arms folded on chest Holding fingers of one hand with your other hand Hands in pockets You will discover three powerful resources to help you strengthen your communication by raising your awareness of your body stories. They are: Neutra