Change Your Story, Change Your Life

185: Unconscious Stories



UNCONSCIOUS STORIES We are storytelling machines. We see the world though the narratives we constantly spin like yarn out of reactions to people and events. We call these narratives “reality.” But they are just vivid perceptions. Today’s episode looks at the unconscious stories that we create every day from moment to moment. We are often not aware of them because they develop in an instant. Where do the seeds of these unconscious stories come from? From all the information that bombards us 24/7 in our digital world. Images on social media, Netflix, billboards, our phones, computers, and tablets. They come from random glances we catch from other people’s eyes. They come from all the sensory impressions that rapid fire at our minds from the world around us. The moment we receive one of these impressions, our minds begin to interpret them; those interpretations become stories that often rule our lives. A person averts our gaze, and we create a rejection story. Glamorous lifestyle ima