Change Your Story, Change Your Life

184: Market Domination



MARKET DOMINATION This short episode reveals the secret for any business to achieve market domination. The secret is one word – STORY. You’ll discover how your authentic story about your product or service immediately makes you stand out from all your competitors. If you don’t use stories to attract your ideal customers and clients, you are forced to compete by comparing what you offer with very similar offers that your competition makes. That usually leads to competing with price. Doing business that way is more expensive and way less profitable than using one compelling authentic story that becomes a money magnet that leads to your market domination. You’ll learn why Apple has become a dominant player who never competes on price. You’ll understand why people will pay premium prices for Apple products and even camp out overnight to be the first to purchase computers, tablets, and phones that they often don’t even need. When you see and truly get the message at the he