Change Your Story, Change Your Life

190: Future Story



FUTURE STORY What if science fiction isn’t fiction at all? What if your future can be so much better than your past? What if humanity conquers death and you and I can live a thousand years with strong healthy bodies? That vision is coming to pass, and, if you embrace it, it can be your empowering future story. Today’s guest is man who has embraced this story about human evolution. His name is Chris Smedley.  His company, Digital Habitats, is Earth’s first terraformer. A terraformer modifies the atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology of a planet. Digital Habitats will create fully autonomous happy cities complete with habitation, infrastructure, and streamlined future-world transportation systems. This episode will give you a sneak peak into an exciting world that is evolving around you at exponential speed. You will get a fascinating glimpse at: Ray Kurzweil’s vision of the Singularity – that point in time in the very near future when the word HUMAN is redefined