Change Your Story, Change Your Life

175: Deadly Comparisons



SOCIAL COMPARISONS Social comparisons are deadly. And in today’s world we fall prey to them all the time. Social media and the Internet are powerful resources that can enrich our lives – if we use them intentionally. Here’s what I mean. We can build a business empire with social media. We can find great prospects, leads, and strategic partnerships online. But, what can happen when we idle surf the web? We can be drawn into the deadly game of social comparisons. Think you are above that? Maybe. I would urge you to think again. We are all susceptible to the images we see on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube – pick your social media of choice. And here’s the thing. Many of those seductive images are made up. We live in a selfie world. It’s fun, entertaining, profitable, and dangerous. How dangerous? Check out the insightful research on the rise of teen suicide and it’s connection to social media. I want to emphasize that I value social media. I respect its power to enr