Your Virtual Upline Podcast



Join the new wave of network marketing leaders that arent just building a downline, theyre building a better world. The Your Virtual Upline Podcast is a weekly show dedicated to teaching you how to build a profitable network marketing business that gives you complete freedom, so you can give back to the world in an even BIGGER way. Host Bob Heilig will teach you how to build a successful network marketing business driven by real meaning and purpose, utilizing strategies and techniques that work in the ever changing world we live in TODAY. Let us help you change the world by sharing your unique gift, doing work you love, and growing a network marketing business that gives back WAY more than it takes. Starting now.


  • 45: Increasing Your Productivity and Results Through Greater Focus

    01/12/2016 Duração: 22min

    In this episode we discuss the 80/20 rule of sales and marketing. This principle simply states that 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes. One of the best books you can read is the 80/20 Rule of Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshal. In this book, Marshal discusses how this principle can essentially apply to anything in life. It is critical as a leader that when you build a team you don’t get pulled in too many directions. The larger the team, the more difficult it becomes to remain productive and you slip into management mode. Because of this, it is important to focus on the right activities and people that got your business to where it is in the first place  3 Takeaways from this episode:  80% of your production will come from 20% of your people 80% of your results will come from 20% of your activities 80% of your time should be spent developing the relationships with the best 20% of people This episode is a recording from a Facebook Live training that I did over on my Your Virtual U

  • 44: People Don't Join Companies, They Join People

    19/11/2016 Duração: 14min

    In this episode we discuss the concept: “People Don’t Join Companies, They Join People” One of the hardest lessons to learn is that people don’t join companies they join people. If you’re at a point in your business where you are struggling to attract recruits, it may be that your prospects don’t feel as though you have enough value to offer. This can be HARD to hear for some people. The question everyone must ask is why would someone join me? There are so many opportunities and because of this, you must learn to demonstrate your value as a partner. Once you start demonstrating value things start to turn! Two actionable takeaways from this episode: Instead of constantly selling people on how great your company is, start selling people on you. Start to DEMONSTRATE your value to others. Start PROACTIVLEY reaching out and ENGAGING with people that are in your network and show them you care. This episode is a recording from a Facebook Live training that I did over on my Your Virtual Upline Fan Page earlier this

  • 43: The Power of Vision

    10/11/2016 Duração: 17min

    In this episode we discuss the power of having a positive vision for your life.  A vision is a clear mental picture of what COULD be in your life, fueled by the conviction that it SHOULD be.   Most people struggle as entrepreneurs because they focus all their time and attention on their current circumstances and their past.  This is the reason why they get "stuck" and never have the motivation or drive to consistently take action towards their goals. When you can develop a crystal clear vision for where you want your life to be, and focus intently on it every day, it starts to act like a rubber band pulling you towards that desired outcome.  You start making different decisions each day and focus only on the things that will help you advance your life.   Having a vision makes you persistent.  Once you know exactly what you want and can "see it", then no matter what comes against you, you never give up.  In the episode today I share with you how you can start to develop that positive vision for your life and y

  • 42: Success REQUIRES Struggle

    05/11/2016 Duração: 12min

    In this episode we discuss one of the not so well known secrets of success: "Success REQUIRES struggle." One of the biggest reasons why most people are not achieving their goals in their life and their business, is they don't understand the relationship between success and failure.  The only way you can become massively successful in your life, is you have to also become a massive failure. Sounds kind of counter-intuitive, right?  Here's what successful people know, that most failures do not - the positive you get in your life is actually the BY PRODUCT of the negative.  You will be successful to the degree that you are willing and able to put up with all the bad, negative "stuff" that you encounter. Any goal you have in your life is a 2-sided coin.  On one side is what you want, and on the other side - in DIRECT PROPORTION, is what you don't want to do to achieve that goal.  Those two things will always be in balance.   In the episode I mention one of my favorite books of all time, Go For No by Richard Fento

  • 41: The 80/20 Rule for Developing the Leaders on Your Team

    30/10/2016 Duração: 26min

    In this episode we discuss the 80/20 Rule for working with and developing the leaders on your team.  The 80/20 Rule says that regardless of how large your team is, you should never PERSONALLY be spending time with more that 20% of the people.  This is a recording from my "signature course" for network marketers, the Breakthrough Academy.     One of the biggest mistakes I see leaders make, is they spend all their time working with the wrong people.  They spend time working with the people on their team that NEED, but don't DESERVE their time.  I like to call these the "squeaky wheels", these are the people that don't ever produce but are constantly demanding your time and all they want to do is complain.   What you need to learn to do is identify and focus on the top 20% of your team, and start spending your time there.  These are the people on your team that don't NEED, but they do DESERVE your personal time.  One of the most important things I ever did for my business, was starting to spend more concentrated

  • 40: Sales and Marketing Strategies for New Product Launches

    17/10/2016 Duração: 58min

    In this episode I share with you sales and marketing strategies for new product launches.  One of the questions I get asked a lot is, "My company just announced a new should I go about marketing it to my network?" In this training, I share with you my top tips and strategies for dealing with new product launches in your company.  When done correctly,  new product launches can be an incredibly powerful way to generate momentum in your business. The sad reality is however, that most people go about new product launches completely the WRONG way.  They immediately go to their social media and start posting every day all the information about the new product, and how excited they are to share it with everyone.   They start "spamming" their contact list, thinking that people will just jump all over the new offer just because they put it out there.  This is NOT the way you want to approach a new product launch.  You have to view the information that you have about this new product, etc. as a very valua

  • 39: My Interview with Ray Higdon

    13/10/2016 Duração: 32min

    In this episode I share with you an interview that I did with Ray Higdon for one of his "Top Earner Success Spotlights".  Each month Ray highlights a new success story for his blog, podcast, and a monthly newsletter he sends out to his readers.   I was fortunate enough to be selected by Ray, and this is the interview that we did together.  It was such an honor and cool experience to be featured by Ray, and I know that all of you will get a ton of value out of listening to the recording.  In the interview I talk about my personal story the last year, going from dead broke basically to building a million dollar online business.  I share with you why marketing is such an important skill for any entrepreneur to learn, and how it can help you start to work smarter in your business. I share with you the importance of using social media the RIGHT way in your business, and I share with you how creating videos on line literally changed my life.  One of my favorite parts of the interview is towards the end where I star

  • 38: The Importance of Accountability and Recognition when Growing a Team

    06/10/2016 Duração: 22min

    In this episode I share with you two of the most important things you need to implement if you want to grow a large, successful team.  Whether you're a network marketer or traditional business owner, if you're building a sales organization of any size, this training will be critical for you. When you analyze any successful organization of any kind, there are usually two things that are cornerstones of their culture.  First, the members of that team usually have a high level of personal accountability for their production and job responsibilities.  Second, there is a high level of recognition when it comes to those performing the best in the group. As a leader, one of the biggest mistakes I made in my early days, was I didn't understand my responsibility to implement these things in my team.  I just expected that the people on my team should automatically "get it", and it frustrated me when they wouldn't do the things they were supposed to be doing. In my training today, I share with you how to implement these

  • 37: The Takeaway Method for Following-Up

    19/09/2016 Duração: 17min

    In this episode I discuss with you one of my all-time favorite methods of following-up with unresponsive prospects, "The Takeaway Method".  We've all had these types of prospects before, the ones who keep saying, "they're interested" but never make a decision.  This also works incredibly well with prospects that have stopped responding to you after initially expressing interest. Anyone looking to become more effective at following-up with, or closing prospects into your business NEEDS to listen to this episode.  One of the things that I talk about a lot in this training, is the importance of posture and attitude when it comes to the exposure process. If your prospect feels like you "need them", then they're not going to be as interested in what you're offering them.  A lot of times people keep pushing or come across as too "needy", and that's why they struggle.  If you learn to use this method of following-up, you're going to start to start to see prospects respond to you in a much more favorable way.   When

  • 36: My Interview with Chalene Johnson

    25/07/2016 Duração: 01h03min

    In this episode I share with you an interview I did with New York Times best selling author and branding and online business expert Chalene Johnson.  Chalene asked me to share my story and some training on how I've build my online business for her "Build Your Tribe" and "Chalene Show" podcasts.   My interview was featured on both of her podcasts, I thought I would share with you all here incase you missed it.  This was an amazing opportunity for me, in that Chalene's podcasts have over 10 million total downloads.  Here Facebook Fan Page has almost 1 million likes, so needless to say it was a pretty big deal that she asked to interview me.   In the interview I share 5 tips to help you start to build your personal brand and how you can become an authority online.  I give you my top strategies if you are in network marketing and looking to leverage the power of social media to grow your business.  The highlight of the interview however, is when Chalene gets me to beat box and rap with her on live video.  Only Ch

  • 35: Run the 4 Minute Mile for Your Team

    16/06/2016 Duração: 17min

    Episode 35: Run the 4 Minute Mile for Your Team   This is session is for the leaders out there who are in network marketing or anyone else leading any type of a team. Ask yourself these questions: Are you frustrated because the people on your team are not showing up or not putting in the work? Are your people not advancing or do they seem to have hit a ceiling? Do you feel that you want it more than they do? Why won't your people follow what you're saying? Since we are not in the corporate world, it's important to realize that in network marketing, we are building a volunteer army.  The problem is we have to figure out how to motivate and inspire our team.  How do we do that?  By leading them by example. All of us start off our businesses in phase 1, which is recruiting, meeting people and going out there every day to build our business.  But then we start feeling the need to train the people we have and fall into what is called "management mode".  We concentrate on teaching our team how to do things, in tu

  • 34: My Top 5 Ways to use Facebook Live to Grow Your Business

    20/05/2016 Duração: 21min

    In this episode we discuss the power of live streaming video when it comes to growing your business and personal brand.  If you haven't already started to leverage the power of this incredible tool, you are really missing out.  In my opinion, the future of social media will be live streaming video.     There has never been a more powerful tool to quickly develop know, like, and trust with your team and prospects.  In the last few months, Facebook has made some major enhancements to their live streaming platform that I feel make it perfect for network marketing professionals.   In the training I talk about which platform you should focus on (Periscope of Facebook Live), and give you the top 5 ways to use live streaming video to help you grow your business faster.  These are simple things that you can begin to implement today that will make a huge difference when it comes to training and working with your team.      

  • 33: How to Deal with Unsupportive People

    13/05/2016 Duração: 13min

    In this episode we discuss how to deal with people that are close to you, but unsupportive of you when it comes to your business.  One of the hardest things for new entrepreneurs to face is when people they expect to be their biggest cheerleaders are negative towards them regarding their business.   It's really important to understand why this happens and what you can do to help you deal with it.  If you are currently dealing with this in your life, this may be one of the most impactful messages you'll ever hear on this podcast.  It's important to understand that you aren't alone.  Every successful entrepreneur has had to deal with this in their life, no matter who they are.   If you are interested in attending my upcoming live event in August make sure you check out the details at  Hope to see you there!

  • 32: Slow and Steady Doesn't Win the Race for an Entrepreneur

    11/05/2016 Duração: 21min

    In this episode we discuss the importance of taking massive action if you are looking to create massive results in your business.  The old adage, "slow and steady wins the race" doesn't apply when you're an entrepreneur.  Slow and steady will kill most people when it comes to your their business.  Just quitting is not enough. If you want to create extraordinary results in your business you must be willing to commit short periods of all out massive action.  You need to treat your business like an airplane.  Anything less than 100% throttle won't get it off of the ground.  In the training I give you the framework for a 30 day game plan that anyone of you can follow to turnaround your business virtually overnight.   Anyone who is trying to build a business needs to hear this training in order to understand what it really takes to be successful.  For many of you this will be a wake up call, because you're going to realize you've never really worked your business nearly hard enough up until this point.   At the en

  • 31: The Power of Focus and Consistency

    24/03/2016 Duração: 16min

    In this episode I discuss two essential elements for creating success in anything that you do, focus and consistency.  Without those two things it's nearly impossible to succeed as an entrepreneur and build a successful business.  Most people when they become entrepreneurs are what I refer to as "some-time".  They build their business only when it's convenient or when they "feel like it".  They're focused for a week then something happens to blow them off course.  In this episode I discuss the keys to remaining focused so you don't get knocked off track.  I give you my top tips for being consistent and showing up every day in your business.  I share with you some of the most valuable lesson's I've learned along my road to success.  This is a recording from a training I did on Periscope last week.  If you haven't had a chance to check me out on Periscope just go to  I also mention my upcoming group coaching program the Breakthrough Academy.  If you would like information on that yo

  • 30: My 6-figure Video Marketing Formula

    18/03/2016 Duração: 28min

    In this episode I give you the exact video marketing formula that I used to go from zero to 6-figures in income in less than 6 months.  The first ever video I posted to social media was in June of 2015.  I procrastinated FOREVER before I finally caved in and started posting videos.  I struggled with everything that most people deal with when it comes to creating videos.  I was worried about what other people would think about me, whether or not I really had anything worthwhile to share and how I come look and come across to the people watching.  I literally had to be forced to do my first video.  I remember how scared I was to upload the video to Facebook that first time.  I was mortified after I finally brought myself to be able to hit share.  To my surprise, people actually gave me great feedback.  They let me know how much the video helped them.  That was my first lesson that there is tremendous value in doing videos.  I committed to doing them several times per week and over the next few months things rea

  • 29: The Money is Not in Your Product or Service

    11/03/2016 Duração: 16min

    In this episode we discuss the concept of how the actual money to be made in network marketing is not in your product or service.  The money is in the ability to move your product or service into the hands of the end user (your customer).  The problem most people in network marketing have is they have no idea how to move their products or services.  Network marketing is an industry of marketing and promotion, pursued by people who have no idea how to market or promote.  If you don't know how to market or promote effectively you're basically screwed.  I know this sounds completely counter-intuitive but your product is not your actual product.  Here's what I mean.  Most network marketers are either selling their opportunity or their products and services to people.  What you SHOULD be selling to people is a SYSTEM.  A system that if they follow will effectively turn those products and services into money.  That's the real reason why people start businesses.  To make money.  I promise you this training will give

  • 28: Your First Year in Network Marketing

    08/03/2016 Duração: 23min

    In this episode we discuss what it really takes to be successful in the network marketing profession.  Specifically we go over what the first year in this business should look like for most people.  It's incredibly important for people to have the proper expectations when it comes to what it will take to become successful in this profession.  Most people's idea of what it's going to take and what to expect is WAY OFF.  People come into network marketing thinking they can put in minimal effort and get maximum results.  That couldn't be further from the truth.  Network marketing is really no different from building any traditional business.  For some reason, many people don't realize this when they first start their business.  I go over exactly what to expect in your first year and what you should be focusing on if you want to create long-term success.  I share with you a "formula" that almost all top earners in this profession follow on their road to success.  I think for many of you this will be very eye open

  • 27: We Have a Better Way

    03/03/2016 Duração: 28min

    In this episode I share with you a keynote speech I gave in 2013 at the network marketing company's national convention that I was working with at that time.  This was a huge moment for me, given how much I had struggled with public speaking my entire life.  To be asked to close out the weekend in front of thousands of people was a pretty big deal.  The topic of my speech was "We Have a Better Way".  In my talk I discuss how although network marketing isn't perfect - it absolutely is a better vehicle for people who are looking to achieve their goals and dreams.  I share with you some advice on how to overcome all the challenges you face along the road to success.  I share quite a bit about my personal story which I hope will inspire you to keep moving forward.  At the very end I brought out my Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother-in-law and their 4 little kids out with me on the stage.  It was without a doubt one of the proudest moments of my life.  Just 10 years earlier when I was asked to speak in front of a room for

  • 26: How One Webinar Changed my Life

    23/02/2016 Duração: 23min

    In this episode I share with you my story of how my life literally changed overnight with one webinar.  It was from a live Periscope I did a few weeks ago that got more positive feedback than anything I've ever done.  It is the most vulnerable and open I've ever been in a training message.  At the very end I get overcome with emotions and gratitude for everything that has happened.  Last month I hosted my first ever paid training.  It was a live webinar, which was the first webinar I've ever done in my life.  I went into the process really not having any idea what kind of demand I would have for the product.  I had spent close to 7 months putting out as much free valuable content as I could and was finally ready to start to monetize my personal brand.  The results that I saw when I opened the registration were nothing short of extraordinary.  I announced the registration on a live Persicope and by the time I was done 15 minutes later over 70 people had already registered!  Within 2 hours I had almost 200 peop

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