Your Virtual Upline Podcast

30: My 6-figure Video Marketing Formula



In this episode I give you the exact video marketing formula that I used to go from zero to 6-figures in income in less than 6 months.  The first ever video I posted to social media was in June of 2015.  I procrastinated FOREVER before I finally caved in and started posting videos.  I struggled with everything that most people deal with when it comes to creating videos.  I was worried about what other people would think about me, whether or not I really had anything worthwhile to share and how I come look and come across to the people watching.  I literally had to be forced to do my first video.  I remember how scared I was to upload the video to Facebook that first time.  I was mortified after I finally brought myself to be able to hit share.  To my surprise, people actually gave me great feedback.  They let me know how much the video helped them.  That was my first lesson that there is tremendous value in doing videos.  I committed to doing them several times per week and over the next few months things rea