Your Virtual Upline Podcast



Join the new wave of network marketing leaders that arent just building a downline, theyre building a better world. The Your Virtual Upline Podcast is a weekly show dedicated to teaching you how to build a profitable network marketing business that gives you complete freedom, so you can give back to the world in an even BIGGER way. Host Bob Heilig will teach you how to build a successful network marketing business driven by real meaning and purpose, utilizing strategies and techniques that work in the ever changing world we live in TODAY. Let us help you change the world by sharing your unique gift, doing work you love, and growing a network marketing business that gives back WAY more than it takes. Starting now.


  • 22: The Power and Importance of 3-Way Calls

    26/01/2016 Duração: 22min

    In this episode I teach you the power and importance that 3-way calls play in building a successful network marketing organization.  The 3-way call is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal when building your team.  If you can get your people to understand why these calls are important and they duplicate in your group, you won't believe the results they can help create.  One of the biggest mistakes I see people making is they try and do "everything on their own", and never use the power of an edified 3rd party expert to help them grow their team.  In the training I explain what 3-way calls are, the proper way to set them up and if you are a leader - the proper way to conduct one.  For many of you, this will be a life changing training when it comes to growing your team.  In the episode I make mention of my upcoming group coaching program the Breakthrough Academy.  If you are interested in learning more you can go to: 

  • 21: The Slight Edge Philosophy

    13/01/2016 Duração: 30min

    In this episode I share with you the key message from a book I read a few years ago called 'The Slight Edge' by Jeff Olson.  I have never read a book that had a more positive impact on my personal and professional life.  The message in the training today is what you need to understand if you want to make your New Years resolutions actually stick.  The Slight Edge Philosophy applies to every single area of your life.  It's always working whether or not you realize.  It says that in every moment of every day we are making decisions that over time have dramatic effects on the results we see.  We are either practicing simple daily disciplines or making simple errors in judgements.  Over time these small seemingly insignificant decisions compound to create the results we see in our lives.  If you are not familiar with The Slight Edge, I promise you this may be one of the most powerful trainings you'll ever hear.  Make sure to go pick up a copy of the book.  

  • 20: Overcoming Your Fear of Failure - Go for No!

    06/01/2016 Duração: 17min

    In this episode I discuss the key points from a book I read that changed my life, Go For No!  If you have ever struggled with taking action because of a fear of failure, messing up or rejection then this is going to be an incredibly important training for you.  The book has a simple, but very powerful message.  It teaches you to look at failure a different way and I promise you when you're done listening to this episode you will be running to pick up the book.  

  • 19: The 'Hot Market' Approach to Customer Acquisition

    13/12/2015 Duração: 27min

    In this episode I go over the 'Hot Market' approach to building your business.  The 'Hot Market' approach can be an incredibly powerful way to increase your production and grow the overall volume in your group.  It acknowledges the fact that most people in network marketing are not "sales types", and that most of the people you approach are going to be more likely to be a customer than they are a business partner.  It's designed to help a new person who purchases a high dollar starter pack, to move their product and earn a profit within their first 72 hours of starting.  If you can teach this approach and it duplicates in your team it can create incredible momentum.  

  • 18: My Morning Routine

    03/12/2015 Duração: 30min

    In this episode I go through in detail what I do every morning to start my day.  In my study of ultra-successful people I found one thing most of them had in common.  They had a clearly defined process for starting out their day that usually started early in the morning.  About 4 months ago I read a book that I would highly recommend called "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod that changed my life.  I began to implement much of what I learned in the book and the results I've seen since then have been unreal.  I go through in detail everything that I do and some of the lessons that I've learned since beginning this process.  I'm sure many of you will get some great ideas for you to implement into your morning routine.  

  • 17: My Interview with MLM Nation Founder Simon Chan

    29/11/2015 Duração: 56min

    In this episode I interview top industry trainer and the founder and host of the #1 network marketing podcast in the world, Simon Chan.  Simon has an incredibly inspirational story and is a perfect example of what focusing on building your personal brand can do for your business.  In the first half of the interview Simon shares his story of how he came to be introduced to network marketing and talks about the things he learned along the way to make him successful.  In the second half of the interview he really goes into detail how the decision he made to stop promoting his network marketing company and begin to promote himself changed his business and life forever. He give some very valuable advice to anyone starting out down the path of building a brand for themselves.  He also discusses how he decided to start the MLM Nation podcast and gives you 3 common characteristics he sees in all the top earners he interviews for his show.  This is an episode you can't afford to miss!  

  • 16: Stop Trying to Sell on Facebook

    18/11/2015 Duração: 27min

    In this episode we tackle an issue that I know is a controversial one for many network marketers.  Whether or not you should be "selling" your particular company's opportunity, products and services on Facebook.  Facebook has become inundated with network marketers promoting their "stuff".  I tackle the very important question of whether or not this is good for their business and network marketing as a whole.  I introduce one of the most important concepts I've ever learned when it comes to marketing, "learn to create curiosity instead of raising resistance".  I use the analogy of your Facebook page being like your personal TV channel.  If all you are doing is posting about your specific company, you are really nothing more than an infomercial.  I believe this is an episode that every single person that is in network marketing needs to listen to and really understand.  If you or anyone on your team flooding your news feed with company specific content all the time then make sure they listen to this episode.  

  • 15: How to Confront the People on your Team

    13/11/2015 Duração: 27min

    In this episode we discuss an issue that I know a lot of people in network marketing struggle with.  We go over different scenarios where you may need to confront people that are on your team.  It could be because they aren't doing anything and you want to try to understand why, or maybe they're doing some of the wrong things that could be detrimental to their business and the team.  One of the most important aspects of character in life without question is the ability to confront.  As a leader it's your responsibility to learn to confront people when these issues occur.  When you are willing to confront, it strengthens relationships with people because it shows them that you actually care.  Confrontation doesn't have to be adversarial when done the right way. Here is one of the key takeaways of the training, learn how to "go hard on the issue but soft on the person".  Confront the issue but do it in a way that preserves the relationship.  In the training I'll go over different examples of when you may need t

  • 14: How I Built my own 7-Figure Personal Brand with Ray Higdon

    10/11/2015 Duração: 48min

    In this episode I welcome a very special guest, Ray Hidgon.  Ray has an incredibly inspirational story of going from dead-broke, over a million dollars in debt in 2008, to today having built three separate 7-figure businesses.  After failing in 11 different network marketing companies, he finally broke through and became a million dollar earner in the profession.  Ray realized early on the value of building a personal brand and started his very own generic network marketing training website just over 5 years ago.  He committed to putting out valuable content every single day and after a few years became known as one of the top authorities when it comes to network marketing. He took that experience and hard work and launched both a private coaching business as well as an info-product business, selling online courses and physical products on his website.  Today, each of those business are now multiple 7-figure businesses outside of his network marketing income.  Earlier this year he had a single product launch

  • 12: The Power of Authentic Leadership

    07/11/2015 Duração: 21min

    In this episode we discuss the subject of 'Authentic Leadership'.  Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes building legitimacy through honest relationships with followers.  In the network marketing profession many leaders are never able to develop the type of following they want and truly inspire people because they don't understand this concept.  Truly great leaders are vulnerable and transparent when it comes to their past failures and disappointments.  When a leader is honest and transparent it facilitates trust with the people that are following them.  People need to see that you're not perfect, that you're like them.  There is a fine line that many people step over when being vulnerable and willing to share past hurts.  Often times, people read that as being able to be negative or complain to the people that are following them. This is a HUGE mistake that people make.  One of the biggest lessons I've learned in this profession is that you can NEVER be negative or complain to the

  • 13: How Videos can Help You Create Your own Celebrity Brand

    07/11/2015 Duração: 49min

    In this episode I welcome a very special guest, personal branding and social media expert Nadya Melton.  Nadya is one of the top authorities on using videos to help you build what she calls your own "Celebrity Brand".  Nadya is a good personal friend and has been one of the biggest mentors to me personally in helping me launching my own brand.  If you have EVER wanted to start using videos to help you grow your home business faster than she is the one to learn from.  Her and her husband John have been six figure earners in the network marketing profession for the last 10 years.  They started to grow frustrated from the daily "grind" of building a traditional network marketing business and knew there had to be a better way.  It was then that they decided to embrace the world of online marketing and saw social media as an incredibly powerful way to generate leads and leverage their time.  One of their biggest motivators was to be able to truly "work from home" and build a business that would allow them to spend

  • 11: Start Treating Your Business Like a Job

    02/11/2015 Duração: 27min

    In this episode we will discuss the benefits that come from when you start to treat your network marketing business like it's your job.  When most people join this profession it's the first time in their lives that they have ever been in the situation to be their own boss.  What they find out pretty quickly is that they are actually terrible bosses.  Most people are used to having someone to tell them what to do and hold them accountable for their results.  In the network marketing profession that doesn't exist.  It is one of the biggest reasons why people fail.  In this training I'll explain exactly what I mean.  I'll share with you the biggest areas where we fail ourselves as bosses and how it kills our business.  I'll finish by giving you 4 specific areas you can begin to focus on today to help you start creating better results.  

  • 10: Start Talking Less and Recruiting More

    01/11/2015 Duração: 24min

    In this episode I explain that if you can learn how to start talking less, you will actually begin to recruit more people into your business.  One of the hardest things for me to learn early on in my network marketing career was to resist the urge to personally explain everything and answer questions for prospects.  A very valuable less to learn is this, "The less YOU say, the more money you will make."  I go over exactly what that means and break the exposure process down piece by piece and explain your role.  I'll introduce the concept of acting as a "consultant" when dealing with prospects and how that can dramatically improve your results.  I'll give you specific tips on helping you become better at prospecting and presenting.  I'll also go over the biggest mistake I see people making that keeps them from being a great closer.  When you're done this training I promise you that you'll never look at the recruiting process the same again!

  • 09: How to Get a New Rep Started the Right Way

    29/10/2015 Duração: 26min

    In this episode I go over the right way to help a new rep get started and launch their business.  Having a simple, defined process for getting new people started is the key to creating duplication.  People spend so much time and effort trying to recruit people and then once they sign up, never get that new person started the right way.  You need to think of this process as your new person's orientation to the business.  When done properly, this will make the new person feel more confident and excited about the business.  I will give you 5 specific elements that should be a part of this process that you can start immediately implementing in your team.  Follow this game plan that I lay out in the episode and you will see far less people quit and fail and create massive momentum in your business.            

  • 08: How to Approach People That Have Already Told You No

    24/10/2015 Duração: 28min

    In this episode I go over how to recontact the people on your list that have already told you no.  A huge mistake many people make is never following up with the people that weren't initially interested.  The biggest lesson I've learned is that when people tell you 'no', what they're really saying is just 'not now'.  Their situations change over time and that's why it's critical to have a strategy to be regularly following up with the people you know.  I will give you 4 different approaches you can use when reconnecting with these people.  I'll also share with you an amazing app that I use to help track these follow-ups.  By the time this training is over, you will be ready to start contacting people today and put together a strategy that will help you never miss an opportunity ever again!  

  • 07: The Importance of 'A Players' to Your Business

    23/10/2015 Duração: 33min

    In this episode I introduce the concept of an 'A Player'.  I explain how most people in network marketing struggle because they spend their time prospecting and working with the wrong people.  'A Players' are the most successful and influential people that you know.  They are the ones that usually fall on your "chicken list".  In this training, I give you some strategies and exact scripts that you can use to begin to recruit the right kind of people into your business.  When you elevate the level of people that you approach, you start to see dramatically different results.  I'll also give you a strategy to get over the fear you are experiencing now that is keeping you from reaching out to the successful people you know.  This is a MUST listen to training for anyone on your team.

  • 06: 3 Simple but Powerful Phrases that will INSTANTLY Make You a Better Recruiter

    15/10/2015 Duração: 27min

    In this episode I will give you 3 simple but incredibly powerful phrases that will help you INSTANTLY create better results in your business.  I explain how mastering the invitation process allows you to increase the amount of exposures you are able to create which will in turn help you create better results.  I explain the biggest mistake I see people making when it comes to the invite and give you some tips to help you master this skill.  These 3 phrases are simple to learn, easy to use and will absolutely help you recruit more people into your business.  Enjoy!

  • 05: The Key to Unlocking Long-Term Residual Income in Your Business

    15/10/2015 Duração: 29min

    In today's episode I discuss what in my mind is the absolute "key" to you unlocking long-term residual income in your network marketing business - CUSTOMERS.  We are going to talk about the importance and necessity of customer acquisition to creating sustainable "walk away" residual income.  It's the greatest gift that the network marketing profession offers to those that are involved.  The problem however, is that for many people it remains nothing more than an unfulfilled promise.  Many companies have failed to deliver on what they promise to their distributors.  In my opinion, one of the biggest reasons that this happens is that many of the behaviors that are being taught are not conducive to creating residual income.  There's been shift in many companies to focusing almost 100% on recruiting.  There's no emphasis on customer acquisition or product training and their compensation plans don't really reward that behavior.  There is however, a movement that is happening now back to more of a focus on the valu

  • 04: How to Become a Great Presenter and Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking

    08/10/2015 Duração: 31min

    Do you want to conquer your fear of public speaking and learn how to become a great presenter?  If you want to become a top earner in your company you HAVE to learn how to present.  In this episode I give you a detailed step-by-step plan to help you master how to give the following types of presentations:  your personal story, your company's opportunity presentation, basic / quick-start training and inspirational training.  I'll teach you all of the "tricks" that I've learned to help me master public speaking and presenting.  Public speaking has always been one of my greatest fears most of my life.  Actually forcing myself to give my first presentation was one of the hardest and scariest things I've ever done.  However, the moment I gave my first presentation my business changed forever.  I will share with you the top 5 tips I've learned over the last 10 years that will help you not become a good, but a GREAT presenter.  I'll help you get over your fears or whatever is holding you back so you can experience a

  • 03: How To Not Suck At Cold Market Recruiting

    01/10/2015 Duração: 36min

    In this episode you will learn how to master cold market recruiting and generate an endless amount of leads for your business.  I give you strategies for Facebook, LinkedIn and face to face prospecting.  

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