Your Virtual Upline Podcast

41: The 80/20 Rule for Developing the Leaders on Your Team



In this episode we discuss the 80/20 Rule for working with and developing the leaders on your team.  The 80/20 Rule says that regardless of how large your team is, you should never PERSONALLY be spending time with more that 20% of the people.  This is a recording from my "signature course" for network marketers, the Breakthrough Academy.     One of the biggest mistakes I see leaders make, is they spend all their time working with the wrong people.  They spend time working with the people on their team that NEED, but don't DESERVE their time.  I like to call these the "squeaky wheels", these are the people that don't ever produce but are constantly demanding your time and all they want to do is complain.   What you need to learn to do is identify and focus on the top 20% of your team, and start spending your time there.  These are the people on your team that don't NEED, but they do DESERVE your personal time.  One of the most important things I ever did for my business, was starting to spend more concentrated