Your Virtual Upline Podcast

28: Your First Year in Network Marketing



In this episode we discuss what it really takes to be successful in the network marketing profession.  Specifically we go over what the first year in this business should look like for most people.  It's incredibly important for people to have the proper expectations when it comes to what it will take to become successful in this profession.  Most people's idea of what it's going to take and what to expect is WAY OFF.  People come into network marketing thinking they can put in minimal effort and get maximum results.  That couldn't be further from the truth.  Network marketing is really no different from building any traditional business.  For some reason, many people don't realize this when they first start their business.  I go over exactly what to expect in your first year and what you should be focusing on if you want to create long-term success.  I share with you a "formula" that almost all top earners in this profession follow on their road to success.  I think for many of you this will be very eye open