Your Virtual Upline Podcast

42: Success REQUIRES Struggle



In this episode we discuss one of the not so well known secrets of success: "Success REQUIRES struggle." One of the biggest reasons why most people are not achieving their goals in their life and their business, is they don't understand the relationship between success and failure.  The only way you can become massively successful in your life, is you have to also become a massive failure. Sounds kind of counter-intuitive, right?  Here's what successful people know, that most failures do not - the positive you get in your life is actually the BY PRODUCT of the negative.  You will be successful to the degree that you are willing and able to put up with all the bad, negative "stuff" that you encounter. Any goal you have in your life is a 2-sided coin.  On one side is what you want, and on the other side - in DIRECT PROPORTION, is what you don't want to do to achieve that goal.  Those two things will always be in balance.   In the episode I mention one of my favorite books of all time, Go For No by Richard Fento