Your Virtual Upline Podcast

44: People Don't Join Companies, They Join People



In this episode we discuss the concept: “People Don’t Join Companies, They Join People” One of the hardest lessons to learn is that people don’t join companies they join people. If you’re at a point in your business where you are struggling to attract recruits, it may be that your prospects don’t feel as though you have enough value to offer. This can be HARD to hear for some people. The question everyone must ask is why would someone join me? There are so many opportunities and because of this, you must learn to demonstrate your value as a partner. Once you start demonstrating value things start to turn! Two actionable takeaways from this episode: Instead of constantly selling people on how great your company is, start selling people on you. Start to DEMONSTRATE your value to others. Start PROACTIVLEY reaching out and ENGAGING with people that are in your network and show them you care. This episode is a recording from a Facebook Live training that I did over on my Your Virtual Upline Fan Page earlier this