Your Virtual Upline Podcast

29: The Money is Not in Your Product or Service



In this episode we discuss the concept of how the actual money to be made in network marketing is not in your product or service.  The money is in the ability to move your product or service into the hands of the end user (your customer).  The problem most people in network marketing have is they have no idea how to move their products or services.  Network marketing is an industry of marketing and promotion, pursued by people who have no idea how to market or promote.  If you don't know how to market or promote effectively you're basically screwed.  I know this sounds completely counter-intuitive but your product is not your actual product.  Here's what I mean.  Most network marketers are either selling their opportunity or their products and services to people.  What you SHOULD be selling to people is a SYSTEM.  A system that if they follow will effectively turn those products and services into money.  That's the real reason why people start businesses.  To make money.  I promise you this training will give