Your Virtual Upline Podcast

35: Run the 4 Minute Mile for Your Team



Episode 35: Run the 4 Minute Mile for Your Team   This is session is for the leaders out there who are in network marketing or anyone else leading any type of a team. Ask yourself these questions: Are you frustrated because the people on your team are not showing up or not putting in the work? Are your people not advancing or do they seem to have hit a ceiling? Do you feel that you want it more than they do? Why won't your people follow what you're saying? Since we are not in the corporate world, it's important to realize that in network marketing, we are building a volunteer army.  The problem is we have to figure out how to motivate and inspire our team.  How do we do that?  By leading them by example. All of us start off our businesses in phase 1, which is recruiting, meeting people and going out there every day to build our business.  But then we start feeling the need to train the people we have and fall into what is called "management mode".  We concentrate on teaching our team how to do things, in tu