Your Virtual Upline Podcast



Join the new wave of network marketing leaders that arent just building a downline, theyre building a better world. The Your Virtual Upline Podcast is a weekly show dedicated to teaching you how to build a profitable network marketing business that gives you complete freedom, so you can give back to the world in an even BIGGER way. Host Bob Heilig will teach you how to build a successful network marketing business driven by real meaning and purpose, utilizing strategies and techniques that work in the ever changing world we live in TODAY. Let us help you change the world by sharing your unique gift, doing work you love, and growing a network marketing business that gives back WAY more than it takes. Starting now.


  • 65: Are You an Accidental Leader?

    09/10/2017 Duração: 28min

    In this episode we’re going to be talking about leadership; more specifically, accidental and intentional leadership. Whether you have a team of 1 of 1,000 you have a responsibility to lead. One of the biggest problems I see in network marketing is people falling into the role of an accidental leader. If you lack the necessary leadership skills and ability, your team will never continue to grow.   If you want to see your team grow and be successful, you need to start making the shift from being an “Accidental Leader” to practicing “Intentional Leadership”.   Intentional leadership is a very clearly defined, structured process that facilitates your own growth as a leader, as well as help you identify and develop other leaders on your team. Itʼs a hands on process and at times can feel like a lot of work, but itʼs whatʼs necessary for you to develop other strong leaders on your team.     To start providing them clear direction on what they should be doing, and helping them understand what it really means to be

  • 64: The Journey from Success to Significance

    16/09/2017 Duração: 29min

    In this episode we’re going to talk about how to make the shift from success to significance in your network marketing business. When most people start their network marketing business, their initial goal is freedom: financial freedom, lifestyle freedom and time freedom. But if you never grow past that and evolve into something more, you will probably find that this will not be enough to fulfill you. Freedom is not enough.   Everyone has a WHY: a deep-seated purpose, cause or belief that can be a tremendous source of your passion and inspiration. Even if you don’t know what it is or how to express it in words, you have one.   Happiness comes from WHAT we do, fulfillment comes from WHY we do it. We don’t necessarily find happiness in our jobs every day, but we can still feel fulfilled by our work if it makes us feel part of something bigger than ourselves.   There are two ways to prospect. One, you can aimlessly shoot for everyone, hoping that you’ll find something that fits with someone to get them to say yes

  • 63: How to Overcome Your Fear of Self-Promotion on Social Media

    06/09/2017 Duração: 33min

    In this episode we’re going to talk about how to overcome your fear of self-promotion on social media.  Almost anyone in network marketing can tell you that putting yourself out there is a vital aspect of the business, but most people struggle with this because they have fear of self-promotion.   This fear can come from different places, but we all deal with it.  You might ask yourself:  “What makes me credible to teach others and share my advice?”   Your degree, background, rank, or commission check have nothing to do with it.  There are 3 primary things that will make you credible to teach others:  The CONNECTION you have with people, the VALUE that you provide, and your CONSISTENCY.   Understand that no one else can teach a topic the way that you do: how you think about it, explain it, your life stories and research.  Don’t water yourself down thinking that someone else wonʼt be able to take the “real you.”  Itʼs your willingness to be authentic and unapologetically yourself that will make you stand out.  

  • 62: The Pain of Waking Up vs. Staying Asleep

    30/08/2017 Duração: 31min

    This week I’m announcing a big change-up in the podcast. A majority of the previous episodes and trainings have been applicable to all different types of entrepreneurs. Now, I’m shifting the focus towards solely the Network Marketing profession. There will be TWO brand new episodes filled with original content EVERY week. These episodes will focus specifically on how to help you with your network marketing business. In this episode we’re going to talk about the pain of waking up vs. the pain of staying asleep. Many people think that avoiding pain will benefit them in their business, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Once you commit to a path and take action, things start to change. And when the Universe knows you’re serious, it starts to move right into action with you. This, however, doesn't mean that there won’t be pain that will move you out of your comfort zone. Regardless of what we do in life, we will face one of two pains: The Pain of Waking Up or The Pain of Staying Asleep. When we stay ASL

  • 61: Social Media Prospecting Do's and Don'ts

    02/08/2017 Duração: 25min

    In this episode, we discuss prospecting on social media. Many network marketers struggle with this task and end up spending hours of time and effort with no results. The number one mistake I see network marketers make while prospecting on social media is putting a business offer into their initial message to a prospect before they even know if they are open to it. It gets even worse when a link is included in that initial message. If you are doing that, you need to stop immediately. So how do we approach prospecting? The copy and paste strategy may have worked years ago, but in today’s world you HAVE to make it conversational. Think of it as having a conversation with someone. In your initial message, only say what you would feel comfortable saying to someone face to face. Whether you’re a skilled network marketer or you’re just starting out, this episode will benefit your approach to prospecting on social media. People are extremely wary of the internet, which means connecting with people on a personal level

  • 60: How to Develop the Mindset of a Top Earner

    20/07/2017 Duração: 29min

    In today’s episode, we are talking about mindset. In a previous episode (Episode 24) I’ve covered the same topic, but in this training I go even deeper into the analogy.  I share with you how my own experience of training for and running my first marathon, provides such a powerful analogy for success in business.  I got such a tremendous response from this training, I had to share it here on the podcast.     We could literally talk hours on the topic of mindset, but here’s a sample of what you’ll learn in this episode: The importance of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the first source of “fuel” for running the marathon to success in your business.  The problem though, if that’s all you have, you’re in trouble.  If your business is driven by your emotions, you’ll likely not get very far.       Next up is commitment.  Commitment is the second fuel source that helps you along the road to success.  It’s a sign of emotional maturity.  The ability for you to “pull rank” over your emotions, and work your business even wh

  • 59: Forget About Your Personal Brand - Just BE YOURSELF!

    27/06/2017 Duração: 17min

    Today, my topic is about building a business around your own personal brand. One of the questions that I get the most from people is, "What should I include as a part of my personal brand?" People struggle so much trying to figure out what their personal brand should look like, and the things that they should include. If that's you, here's the message that I'd like to deliver to you in this episode... stop worrying so much about your personal brand, and just start being yourself! Your personal brand is really nothing more than you starting to share all of the things that make you, 'you' with other people so that you can begin to make connections and build relationships with your audience. If there is something that you're passionate about, and that matters to you, start sharing that with the world through your content.  If something is important to you, it will be important to someone else.  The more we start to share of ourselves, the more opportunities we create to have commonality with other people.  The m

  • 58: The 3 Golden Rules for Prospecting on Social Media

    22/06/2017 Duração: 26min

    Welcome to the 58th episode of your virtual upline podcast. I am Bob Heilig and my topic for today is prospecting on social media. Social media advertising especially facebook marketing is the best and the worst thing that has happened to social media ever. If you use it in a proper way, it is the best thing and can give many benefits to you and the product that is being marketed. Besides discussing the topic, I will also announce the winner of this week. Prospecting on social media is a big thing and most of the people fail in pulling off social media marketing. I will share three basic reasons why prospecting fails on the base of my personal likes and dislikes. There are three basic things that serve as the main reason of success or failure of a prospect. When people start prospecting on social media, they follow the attitude of give nothing and take everything. People who believe this never get successful. This might seems like a profitable extension for some time, but not more. In the long run, people mos

  • 57: How to Create Know, LOVE, and Trust with Your Audience

    12/06/2017 Duração: 48min

    This episode is about the training I did about the marketing boot camp that held in February this year. My training was about using live video and generating confidence and build powerful connection with the viewers, listeners and the audience through the live video. I refer to this connection as no love and trust. In marketing and sales, there is a common belief that people buy from marketers whom they don’t know. There is no place of love, trust and friendship in a business. However, in the modern entrepreneurship and business strategies, this is no more the case. The new investors, business persons and entrepreneurs base their business on love and customer trust and gain profits on the base of popularity among the general public by making good customer relations and a bonding based on trust and friendship. The key to success in modern day is conversion. To convert your ideas and products in dollars to earn profit is the real success in the modern day branding and marketing. Being one of the newest techniqu

  • 56: Your Network Determines Your NetWORTH

    25/04/2017 Duração: 13min

    In this episode we discuss the power of investing into your network, and the relationships that you have in your life, and how that over time can dramatically help your business.   One of the biggest reasons why new entrepreneurs struggle early on in their business is because they don't get a ton of support from their close friends and family.  The harsh reality many times when this happens, is that they are paying the price of the life that they lived prior to making the decision to start their business. You have to view every person in your life as you having a "relational account" with them.  Whenever you do something nice, show them genuine care and concern, and are generous with your time and attention, you make a deposit.  If you are constantly doing this in your life, you build up your account with people. When you first join your business and begin to approach people asking them to "help and support your new business" by trying your products or potentially join you, you're looking to make a withdrawal

  • 55: Four Ways to Stay Committed in Your Business

    15/04/2017 Duração: 18min

    Today I want to talk to you about commitment and share with you four key strategies to help you stay committed to performing the right actions in your business to create massive results. Being that last weekend was the Breakthrough Academy Live event, I want to talk about commitment because it’s an appropriate topic. Many attend an event or training and you have this new motivation and enthusiasm for your business. Then you get back and Monday comes around, then Tuesday, and it’s harder to get out of bed, and then Wednesday and Thursday and before you know if you have not changed at all! Commitment is very simply doing the thing you said you would do long after the mood you said it in has left you. It is easy to be committed when you’re in a peak state. But when you are not in that environment anymore it is much harder. Many people are committed until it doesn’t fit in their schedule or its too tough. You must be taking action every single day as these actions will really tell you who you are committed to. Th

  • 54: How to Use the New Facebook Stories Feature to Build Your Business

    30/03/2017 Duração: 24min

    Today I want to talk to you about Facebook Stories! This exciting new feature just launched on Facebook and I want to share how you can use this incredibly powerful tool to get more attention on social media. This tool is also an incredibly powerful feature from a prospecting and recruiting standpoint to generate more engagement from your audience. So, you may be asking what is Facebook stories? It is a series of small videos and pictures that you can take throughout your day to essentially tell the story of your day. It allows you to show a more personal side of yourself and bring people into your world and get to know you. Right now, it is not available for everyone but it is being rolled out over the next week. The main difference between Instagram stories and Facebook stories is the filters. With Facebook stories, you can add the filters before you ever take a picture or video. One of the things about stories is it allows you to show your personality and the videos can even be up to 20 seconds long as opp

  • 53: Embrace Your Inner Weirdo

    29/03/2017 Duração: 12min

    In this episode, we have a little bit of fun while we discuss embracing your inner weirdo! What I mean by this is that we need to acknowledge that as entrepreneurs we are not normal. It is not normal for someone to subject themselves to what we must put up with every single day to build a successful business. It’s not normal for someone to spend hours listening to a podcast or attending a training seminar but I want you to acknowledge that this is a really good thing because here’s what I know about normal people. They are not happy and they are not satisfied. They work just hard enough so they don’t get fired and their boss pays them just enough so they won’t quit. They live just for the weekend and depression sets in on Sunday night as they must face their job or career that they hate. This is no life for you and me! We are weirdos and we need to embrace that! Steps to embracing your inner weirdo Acknowledge that entrepreneurship is a lonely place when starting out Acknowledge that you are not normal Start

  • 52: Change Your Focus, Change Your Life

    12/03/2017 Duração: 16min

    Today we talk about changing your focus and changing your life!  At any moment of our life, we can begin to choose to think differently and empower ourselves. Unfortunately, part of the human condition is to focus on the negative and create pessimistic thoughts within our mind. It is often times these thoughts that create the condition bias that leads to our eventual results in life.  Today I want to empower you with strategies to be aware of the cause of this negativity and to consciously make a decision to change your focus. Some important questions to think about: Do you generally spend your time focusing on things that you have or things that you don’t have? Do you focus on what good qualities you exemplify or how you are not good enough by comparing yourself to others? Are you focused on the past or are you focused on the future? In addition to these reflection questions, I want you to start to notice your own self talk. Many people would never talk to someone else the way they talk to themselves. Now

  • 51: Start Using Your Fear as Your Compass

    10/03/2017 Duração: 15min

    Today we talk about fear and the strategies to overcome it. Especially as a new entrepreneurs, there are so many things that we feel resistance towards.  I thought that once I became successful I would become fearless. However, nothing could be further from the truth. No matter how successful you are, fear is always lurking in the shadows and doing things you have never done before will be scary. High achievers realize that it is the things in life that we fear most which create the biggest breakthroughs and opportunities. I can remember back in my early days as an entrepreneur doing everything I could to avoid fear. Many think that once they become fearless they will become successful. The only way to avoid fear is to never attempt to get out of your comfort zone. When you step out of your comfort zone, uncertainty is created which forces growth! Being an entrepreneur is a personal development program with a compensation plan attached to it. Nothing great has ever been accomplished without uncertainty. Actio

  • 50: 3 Strategies to Help You Become a World Class Presenter

    04/03/2017 Duração: 22min

    Welcome to episode 50! I definitely didn’t think we would make it this far but I am super grateful to have you here. Today we talk about public speaking. I know a lot of you have a fear of speaking in public but in order to be a great entrepreneur you must learn to be able to be a great communicator. Today I give you my top three tips to help you overcome your fear, become more confident, and become the world class speaker you are destined to become. Most everyone deals with the fear of public speaking and it is certainly one of my number one fears. I was always the student who never wanted to raise their hand in class and was never confident amongst my peers. I knew that in order to become a successful entrepreneur I had to get over this fear and become more comfortable with communicating. The first time I gave a public speech was at a hotel early on in my career to about 30 individuals. I remember opening the meeting in pure panic. I actually considered just leaving right on the spot. There was even a cup o

  • 49: Overcoming the Fear of Leadership

    21/02/2017 Duração: 12min

    In this episode we are talk about the fear of leadership. I hope this episode can give you some insight as to why you may be struggling in this area and how to overcome it! In my early days, I used to self-sabotage my business and my results. I never quite understood why I did this and now looking back, it is very clear. To be truthful, I actually didn’t believe I had what it took to be a leader. This was a vicious cycle that I was in for years that was extremely frustrating. The thought of having a large organization and being in charge of its direction scared me to death. To attack this problem, you need to do two things: Recognize that this fear is real and something that you will have to deal with. Then, acknowledge the resistance. Many times in our life the things we fear the most are the things we were put on this earth to do. If you are fearing this idea of becoming a leader than you were probably meant to lead! Stop letting fear control your business and pressing the snooze button on your dreams, go

  • 48: Building a Massive Following on Social Media

    19/02/2017 Duração: 14min

    Today we are talking about how to build a massive following on social media. Hopefully by now, many of you are using Facebook and creating videos to build your following. Perhaps you are doing this but you are still struggling. This can be extremely frustrating! Most people get discouraged and quit at this point. However, you must remember that marketing takes time and it is hard work. In this episode I share the formula for how I built my social media following to where it is today. This took me over six months of creating content every day. Consistent application of this formula will bring the results you are looking for. Social Media Growth Formula: Attention + Trust = Growth of your following Attention has three parts: Be authentic and abstain from watering down your true self Be generous with your knowledge, information, and time Be consistent each and every day When you leverage these three items you gain attention which is followed by trust and thus your following grows. For you to gain a following y

  • 47: The Traditional Business Owner Mindset to Customer Acquisition

    28/12/2016 Duração: 17min

    In this episode we discuss customer acquisition through a traditional business owner’s mindset. I want to share with you a mindset that once adopted, can help you dramatically increase your customer base. Sometimes it is easy to lose focus on customer acquisition when tapping into your own personal network. Today’s episode highlights strategies to increase your effectiveness at reaching out to this network. After realizing these strategies you will be amazed at how much easier it is to acquire customers from within. Customers are the lifeblood of your company. Without customers there is no money and if you want your business to provide true freedom to you and your family, you need a lot of customers! If you have not made it a priority to acquire a lot of customers, that can start to reflect poorly on the rest of your team. If you can lead by example and grow your customer base then your team will follow your lead. Two Questions to think about: When you think about the people in your life, your family and fri

  • 46: The Lesson of the Chinese Bamboo Tree

    23/12/2016 Duração: 14min

    In this episode we discuss the powerful lesson learned from the Chinese bamboo tree. Network marketers especially but in any business, we put so much pressure on days like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and small business Saturday. Taking advantage of these days is great, but it is not going to make or break your business. It is much more the little things that you do every day that matter most. The Chinese bamboo tree is a perfect example of this principle. Once planted, this remarkable tree takes four years to break the ground. That is four years of consistent watering and fertilizing with no visual results. Only at this point does the tree begin to show growth when it shoots up to 90 feet into the sky within 6 weeks. My message today is that you have the patience and engage in consistent actions. Everyone has a bamboo tree. All you have to do is have faith to keep watering and fertilizing daily.

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