Fit Over 40 Challenge



Tips, resources, interviews and simple strategies to help improve health, fitness, focus, and energy for those of us in the 40+ club.


  • Fasting or Small Meals for Quicker Results

    18/04/2017 Duração: 21min

    In this episode of the "Fit Over 40 Challenge" I tackle the question of what is the best eating strategy for fat loss. I know there are tons of different strategies and approaches but I decided to look at the "Intermittent Fasting" and the "Smaller but frequent meals" approach. 

  • 4 Body Changes From Eating Low Carb

    06/04/2017 Duração: 15min

    In this episode of the Fit Over 40 Challenge Show I explore the 4 body changes that can take place from eating low carb.  The question I asked myself and ask you is, "have you ever stopped to wonder what would happen to your body if you stopped eating refined carbs.  I give you 4 body changes that can happen if you do! 

  • FO40 - To Scale or Not To Scale

    22/03/2017 Duração: 17min

    Do you step on the scale everyday, meticulously tracking the ups and downs? Do you jump on it once a week, keeping your mind off the number most days? Or do you skip the scale altogether and simply navigate your transformation using the markers of how you organically look and feel?  In this episode we take a closer look at each method and give your the pros and cons of weighing in everyday, never, and once a week.  I also tell you which one I suggest to all my clients.  Love to hear which method you use. Leave me a comment.  In health,  Coach Dave 

  • I Eat Healthy and Workout but Not Seeing Results

    27/01/2017 Duração: 19min

    In this episode of the "Fit Over 40 Challenge" show I present to you a question I get asked all the time.  Have you been working out, eating right, but not seeing any results? Hey, don't be discouraged I have been there too.  I am going to go through 5 potential reasons why you are not seeing results and what to do about.  Some of the talking points are:  Why the scale is not the best way to measure success. What you might be doing that you think is best for getting results but it could be hurting your success.  One of the biggest reasons people don't see the results the want.  And a few more.  Also, I mentioned to you about the launch of my book on Kindle, "Fit Over 40 Challenge." Here is the link Fit Over 40 Challenge. 

  • How to Set Fitness Goals that Stick

    13/01/2017 Duração: 23min

    Welcome to another edition of the Fit Over 40 Challenge Show. In this episode, entitled, " How to Set Fitness Goals that Stick," I give you 5 proven strategies that will help ensure you finally reach your goals once and for all. Some of the key talking points include: - how to quit proof your goals to ensure you fully achieve them once and for all.  - a simple yet powerful principal that will enable you to stop procrastinating and take action - clarity on steps to take to start accomplishing the things that maters most to you and that will help create the life you want.    Also, I share with you a couple of new approaches I have started to incorporate into my own goal setting process!       

  • Listen To This For Motivation

    15/12/2016 Duração: 30min

    In this episode of the "Fit Over 40 Challenge" show I recorded this episode to motivate you to get off the couch and get moving!  I understand the frustrations that you have when it comes to your body. I understand the insecurities that sometimes come with how you feel about your body.  Today though, I am going to give you a pep talk to get you off the couch, away from checking Facebook, and into the gym.  I have a list of 21 rewards that you will gain from regular exercise that will give yo the motivation to start taking action. 

  • Eating For Fat Loss

    08/12/2016 Duração: 14min

    In this episode of "The Fit Over 40 Challenge" show I dive into the 4 tips to eating for fat loss.  By now you are probably aware that the term, eat clean, has nothing to do with washing food and everything to do with eating in a way that promotes fat loss.   

  • FO40 - Being Fit is more than just exercising

    10/11/2016 Duração: 39min

    In this episode of the "Fit Over 40 Challenge" show I had the privilege to interview Troy Ismir.  Troy Ismir is a faith based fitness and lifestyle performance coach, author and speaker.  He is the founder of Phil413fitness and the Divine Wellness Academy.  Troy has been in the health, fitness and nutrition industry for over 25 years.  Troy created his health and fitness ministry to help people get stronger in mind, body and spirit so that they can have increased stamina, optimal health and a fit body.    

  • FO40 - Want Healthy Fresh Already Cooked Meals Delivered to Your House

    03/11/2016 Duração: 40min

    In this episode of the "Fit Over 40 Challenge" show I had the privilege of interviewing the founder and owner of Michelle Weinstein shares her story of how she got her inspiration to start her company. Plus, she shares her best tips on how she stays fit while running her company. Also, Michelle is the founder of the "Live Well Project." The mission of "The Live Well Project" is to inspire girls to dream big, take action, invest in themselves by practicing community, wellness, and self love. This is one show episode you don't want to miss.  Bonus - For our listeners Michelle has offered a 20% off discount on your first order if you decide to try. Coupon code dave20 at checkout. Go to 

  • FO40 - What's Scarier than Ghosts and Goblins?

    28/10/2016 Duração: 19min

    Welcome to a special holiday Halloween episode of the "Fit Over 40 Challenge." The title may be a little deceiving as I am calling this "What's scarier than Ghosts and Goblins. You see, I am all for having fun and indulging but today's episode is also a serious one. However, in the end all is good because what I talk about can be prevented. 

  • FO40 The Only Fitness Lesson You Need

    24/10/2016 Duração: 17min

    In this episode of the "Fit Over 40 Challenge Show" I talk about the only fitness lesson you need to make progress and ultimately become fit. If there is one thing that can help you get results this is it! 

  • Fit Over 40 Challenge - Injured Again?

    22/09/2016 Duração: 26min

    In this episode of Fit Over 40 Challenge Show I talk about a subject that no one wants to really talk about or for that matter have it happen to them. However, since studies suggests that 38% of all exercisers suffer from an injury each year, it is a subject worth talking about.  Don't worry though I talk about the 3 most common workout injuries and a 5 step plan to help prevent them from happening.   

  • 7 Ways to Manage Your Weight

    09/09/2016 Duração: 20min

    In episode #27 of the "Fit Over 40 Challenge Show" I talk about the "7 Ways to Manage Your Weight" for long term success.  Fit people leave marks and clues as to how they do it. It is not anything that is rocket science and if you are tired of losing weight only to gain it back you may want to check out this episode.   

  • 5 Side Effects Of Fat Loss

    01/09/2016 Duração: 17min

    You know how every pharmaceutical company ends with a laundry list of possible side effects? The ailments rear we could possibly experience if we take it are silently weighed against the possible benefits of the drug. Well, it turns out that exercise and good nutrition also come with a laundry list of side effects... In this episode of "Fit Over 40 Challenge" I list 5 side effects from getting fit and working out.  One of the side effects can literally change the projection of your life and I share with you a story about a client of mine who lost over 30 lbs and did something he felt he would never be able to do.  Trust me just one of these side effects can make your life amazing!  In health,  Coach Dave 

  • Day 6 of the 6 Days to a Stronger Core Challenge

    30/08/2016 Duração: 09min

    In today's episode of the Fit Over 40 Challenge show I present the final day of in the 6 Days to a Stronger Core Challenge.  If you have made it through all five episodes first of all you need to congratulate yourself. Not a lot of people will make it through all 6 episodes without something stopping them or getting in the way.  Now, if this is your first time hearing about the challenge you can go back and start at day 1 to get all the information. Or, if you prefer digital format you can go to and get each day sent to your inbox.  For those of you who have taken the challenge I hope you have enjoyed it and would love to hear your feedback. Also, this may be the end of the challenge but it is the beginning of a new journey for you as you are now stronger and hopefully a little bit leaner.  As always I am committed to your success, Coach Dave 

  • Day 5 of the 6 Days to a Stronger Core Challenge

    29/08/2016 Duração: 09min

    In today's episode I present Day 5 of the 6 Days to a Stronger Core Challenge. Hopefully by now you have had the opportunity to see how changing things up and challenging yourself not only physically but by changing some nutritional habits really can make a huge difference in your transformation.  Day 5's challenge has two parts to it as well. The nutritional assignment today is going to have some of you you thinking I am crazy but it really is true and can make a big difference in your weight loss transformation.  As for the core exercise this one is a really good one to help strengthen the low back as well as really engage your abdominals.  I am looking forward to hearing back from you on how the challenge is going and how I may be able to assist you further in it.  If you want the digital version you can download it at In health, Coach Dave 

  • Day 4 of the 6 Day Stronger Core Challenge

    28/08/2016 Duração: 13min

    Today's episode is day 4 of the "6 Days To a Stronger Core Challenge." If you have made it this far in the challenge you have gotten through the hard part and momentum is going to carry you through to the end.  If this is your first time seeing the "6 Days to a Stronger Core Challenge" go back and start at day one.  Hind sight is always 20/20 but after using yesterday's nutritional assignment today's assignment is going to be a game changer. When I first started doing this with my clients it was eye opening and truly made a huge difference in their transformation.  As for the core exercise assignment today's challenge is going to let you feel how strong your core really is.  Also, the stacking of both the 3 nutritional assignments as well as the 3 core assignments is going to start a serious compound effect.  Finally, if you are more visual and would like to have the digital version sent to you via email you can get that by going to  In Health,  Coach Dave 

  • Day 3 of the 6 Day Stronger Core Challenge

    27/08/2016 Duração: 10min

    In this episode of the Fit Over 40 Challenge I present to you Day 3 of the 6 Days to a Stronger Core Challenge.  This is the halfway point in the challenge. I recap the first two days of the challenge and then present assignment #3.  I believe this one assignment can really make the difference in getting leaner and losing that extra fat around the mid section.  Let me know how things are going.  If you want to get the digital version you can download it at Committed to your success, Coach Dave 

  • Day 2 of the 6 Days to a Stronger Core

    26/08/2016 Duração: 13min

    Welcome to Day 2 of the "6 Days to a Stronger Core." If you missed yesterday's episode I kicked off the "6 Days to a Stronger Core" challenge and explained to you how it is going to work over the next 6 days plus the two assignments that you will have to complete. Listen to that episode first so you understand what I am talking about.  In today's episode I present you the next two assignments to complete plus we add the first two with today. I call it stacking!  Today, we are going to challenge you a little more with the core exercise and the nutrition assignment that I give you can really make a difference in cutting some weight that you just can't seem to get off!  If you would like the digital version you can download it at I am committed to your success, Coach Dave 

  • Want a Leaner, Healthier, Stronger, Mid Section in 6 Days?

    25/08/2016 Duração: 13min

    In this episode of the "Fit Over 40 Challenge Show" I am excited to present to you my very first challenge for you. Today I introduce to you the "6 Days to a Stronger Core Challenge."  I know that with technology and the cultural we live in we have become more prone to sit for long periods of time. Over the years I have had many clients complain to me about back pain and stiffness. One reason is their core is weak. Also, I have had many people come to me asking me how they can get lean and get that "6 pack" ab look. When I tell them it requires doing more than just a ton of ab exercise they are perplexed.  Having a strong core is a two part strategy and in this challenge you will learn what to do to get you started on a stronger and leaner mid section.  For the next six days I will present each day's challenge to you through this podcast but if you would like to get the challenge in written form you can go to  I am looking forward to hearing about the results you get fro

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