Fit Over 40 Challenge

Day 4 of the 6 Day Stronger Core Challenge



Today's episode is day 4 of the "6 Days To a Stronger Core Challenge." If you have made it this far in the challenge you have gotten through the hard part and momentum is going to carry you through to the end.  If this is your first time seeing the "6 Days to a Stronger Core Challenge" go back and start at day one.  Hind sight is always 20/20 but after using yesterday's nutritional assignment today's assignment is going to be a game changer. When I first started doing this with my clients it was eye opening and truly made a huge difference in their transformation.  As for the core exercise assignment today's challenge is going to let you feel how strong your core really is.  Also, the stacking of both the 3 nutritional assignments as well as the 3 core assignments is going to start a serious compound effect.  Finally, if you are more visual and would like to have the digital version sent to you via email you can get that by going to  In Health,  Coach Dave