Fit Over 40 Challenge

Day 6 of the 6 Days to a Stronger Core Challenge



In today's episode of the Fit Over 40 Challenge show I present the final day of in the 6 Days to a Stronger Core Challenge.  If you have made it through all five episodes first of all you need to congratulate yourself. Not a lot of people will make it through all 6 episodes without something stopping them or getting in the way.  Now, if this is your first time hearing about the challenge you can go back and start at day 1 to get all the information. Or, if you prefer digital format you can go to and get each day sent to your inbox.  For those of you who have taken the challenge I hope you have enjoyed it and would love to hear your feedback. Also, this may be the end of the challenge but it is the beginning of a new journey for you as you are now stronger and hopefully a little bit leaner.  As always I am committed to your success, Coach Dave