Insight With Mark Farrell

Insight- Climate Comedy & Attainable Health Goals



Author and professor, Aaron Sachs discusses his new book STAY COOL: Why Dark Comedy Matters in the Fight Against Climate Change. Is January Dry-uary or another form  of cutting  back or change of some sort?  Mark muses this and more including the deep winter freeze, attainable health goals and more.    Have Mark speak at your company, organization, conference and or retreat to increase morale, productivity, leadership skill and more with an in-person or virtual event.  Mark also has riveting talks for students k-12 and college on: overcoming adversity, anti-bullying/anti-teasing, mental health, drugs/alcohol, celebrating differences, self-entitlement, life preparedness, senior send-off and more.  All of Mark’s talks are from his vast life experience.  Reviews, videos, booking info and more at: Email: “Mark invigorated our conference! His genuine enthusiasm and professionalism, combined with an amazing topic, made for a marvelous presentation” Cathar