The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection



Strategies, tips, resources and step by step action plan geared to women to help you lose weight, end the battle with your body and leave food cravings & emotional eating behind you. Each episode we bring an expert or deliver a message to help achieve your health goals, unlock your self- confidence and live a better life while looking at health beyond just food and to explore the mind-body connection to healing. You will discover what has been holding you back and be empowered and inspired to now unleash the best version of yourself. The Beyond The Food Show it's a holistic approach to health for women, personal development, personal growth, spirituality, coaching, education, and self-mastery. Your host Stephanie Dodier is a Clinical Nutritionist, food cravings and weight loss expert. She was there too, Stephanie lost 100lbs ended the food cravings that were ruling her life for the last 20 years. At 34 years old she was hospitalized, sick, depressed and hated her body. Today at 42 she serves and inspires women to transform their own life. More at


  • 203-Perfectionist Paradigm Shift (...the secret to sustainable habits)

    29/08/2019 Duração: 33min

    On today's episode, we'll talk about the perfectionist paradigm shift Do you struggle in creating new long-lasting habits in your life? Particularly around food and health? Maybe it’s exercise: you pay your new subscription to the gym with excitement and enthusiasm and plan to go 5 days a week before work. Yet 6 weeks later, you’re not going to the gym anymore and your brain is going crazy with very self-critical thoughts as to why you once again failed yourself and all the things that are wrong with you. Is that you? That was me until I learned to shift my paradigm about perfection. Perfectionist, is that you? The perfectionist is a personality trait characterized by a person's striving for flawlessness and setting high-performance standards, accompanied by critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations. Is that an accurate description of you? Perfectionism is a trait of character present in many women that have been dieting for a long time. Our diet brain tells us that we need to be p

  • 202-Stepping Beyond The Struggle

    22/08/2019 Duração: 33min

    On today's episode, we'll talk about stepping beyond the struggle In a way, this podcast is not just a message to those of you who are struggling, but it’s also a message to my former self. It’s the advice I wish someone shared with me when I was struggling. It’s the advice I wish I had when I went through so many dark times. My struggle was my weight. Like most of you... for 25 years, that struggle occupied my life. It caused me lots of emotional pain, physical pain with crazy exercise protocols, tears,  break up, missed relationship, the struggle of my body and weight caused a lot of drama in my life. And for 25 years, I believed that the only way to stop the struggle to get over that pain was to lose weight. Some say... but you did lose weight. Yes, I did multiple times but here’s where it gets really crazy... when I did lose weight, you’d think struggle would be over right? No, it didn’t. Instead, I just moved on to the next expression of the problem: saggy skin, soft skin on my belly, I'm still not thin

  • 201-What's Missing From Your Program?

    15/08/2019 Duração: 34min

    On today's episode, we'll talk about what's missing from your program As I shared on the last episode #200, we are in the midst of an epidemic and no, it’s not an obesity epidemic. It’s the Diet Culture epidemic. It has become completely normal to not like our body. It’s expected that we shame ourselves and our body if it doesn’t fit the “thin ideal”. It has also become the norm to be on some kind of health programs that restrict the way we live our life. These same programs require that we disconnect from our body in order to be successful. This has led us to no longer respect and trust our bodies. This is huge! We live in an approximately 3 cubic foot space (our physical body) that we disrespect & doubt nearly every day. Without a healthy, respectful and trustworthy relationship, how can we expect our body to support us towards our goals? There is one universal law that is common to all religions and spiritual beliefs that I’m aware of (and please correct me if I’m wrong

  • 200-How to Get Started with Intuitive Eating

    08/08/2019 Duração: 34min

      On today's episode, we dissect this concept of food labeling We are in the middle of an epidemic. One that is destroying the quality and longevity of our life. It affects not only us but our children and their children. While it’s been around for a while, it’s growing at an alarming rate. Not only here… but all around the world. You’d be hard-pressed to find a culture that isn’t struggling with it. and no, it’s not Obesity. It’s our obsession with weight and diet. 97% of women surveyed by Glamour magazine in 2011 said they felt hatred towards their body at least 1x day and often much more. 8/10 women are unhappy with their reflection. So we diet... and diet some more. Never really getting “there” and then at some point after decades of trying you think to yourself… “That’s crazy I can’t do this for the rest of my life?” but then what? There is a solution to help you stop dieting, a solution that will provide some structure around how you engage with food that will lead you to eat better consistently without

  • 199-Good or Bad Food: Healthy versus Unhealthy Food?

    01/08/2019 Duração: 34min

      On today's episode, we dissect this concept of food labeling Although we’ve learned to drop magical thinking when it comes to weather, crops or other natural phenomena, we still think of food as magical. We label food in hopes that doing so will bring us closer to our desires and goals. The concept is that if we consume the “good” food will control our health and body unfortunately what comes along is shame & guilt when we do eat the “bad” food. In today’s society not being able to control our food choices makes us weak people. That’s what we think as a result of being told so by diet culture and also according to all the health experts who want us to finally “release the unhealthy weight”. But it’s true that there is such a thing as good food or bad food? If so, what are the healthy foods? Here’s a sample of the myths we will cover: What are the good and bad foods Why are we so obsessed with food labeling What motivates our need for food labeling The side effect of food labeling If there is an option

  • 198-13 Popular Intuitive Eating Myths (and why they're bogus)

    24/07/2019 Duração: 43min

    On today's episode, we talk about what intuitive eating is and is not Want to give Intuitive Eating a try? These 13 misconceptions may make intuitive eating more challenging and increase the odds of you giving up. Intuitive Eating is picking popularity over the last 12 months... In fact, this Anti-diet approach to eating has been called the next health trend to look forward to in 2020. Not surprising when we consider the 95% failure rate of traditional diets. There no stopping Intuitive Eating and I couldn’t be more excited for what’s in store for 2020. And with every “trend” or popular movement comes questions, doubts, and naysayers.  On today’s episode, we are going to debunk 13 popular Intuitive Eating myths. 13 myths about intuitive eating, this proven and well-researched eating framework, that you should stop believing.  These 13 myths, we first are going to give them context and then bring facts forward as to why each one is false… or frankly said, bogus! Here’s a sample of the myths we will cover: Int

  • 197-Intuitive Eating & Cravings

    18/07/2019 Duração: 24min

    On today's episode, we talk about intuitive eating and cravings Is intuitive Eating not just a way of giving in to your cravings? When women first get introduced to intuitive eating, their diet brain then ignites the thought that Intuitive Eating is a just a way to eat whatever we want and, in some cases, to validate laziness... Intuitive way of eating is such a departure from dieting way of eating that it often ignites cognitive dissonance in women. You know that feeling of discomfort from the new information that is presented to you when it is opposite to the way YOU have been living your life? You fight the new information! And come up with all good facts, science and reason why the new information is wrong... On today’s episode, we answer that specific question. Is intuitive Eating not just a way of giving in to your cravings? If not, how do you manage cravings in the framework of intuitive eating? What you’ll learn listening to this episode: We answer the question, “Is intuitive Eating not just a way of

  • 196-Finding Your Intuitive Voice & Release Perfectionism with Kelly Covert

    11/07/2019 Duração: 44min

        On today's episode, we talk about intuitive voice In the same way that Intuitive Eating teaches you to tap into your innate body wisdom to know what to eat, you can tap into this same body wisdom to be guided in all the other segments of your life. The body wisdom we’ve been gifted by embodying our human body is awaiting us to notice her and engage with her with trust and respect. Some will call this body wisdom intuition others will say inner voice... all the same. When we do not engage and respect this wisdom, we tend to be engaged in perfectionism as a way to control life... control our life, control our future, control our body. Control so it can be the way it should be. But it doesn’t work... and we try harder. Control more. And we fail harder. On today’s episode, Kelly Covert, an inner voice coach will help us interrupt this pattern. Kelly has a passion for helping women believe and achieve their big vision by connecting deeply with the wisdom that is inside of them all while owning their worthines

  • 195-Bathing Suit Confidence: My 7 Lessons-SHE’s Beyond The Food–Chapter 5

    02/07/2019 Duração: 24min

    On today's episode, we talk about bathing suit confidence Usually around April, we start hearing about “getting that bikini body” like it’s a thing we need to earn. After months of hibernation we are supposed to dust ourselves off and work really really hard to get a body that deserves to wear a bathing suit. The truth I discovered through my own journey is that being confident in a bathing suit doesn’t require months of planning and buckets of sweat aren’t required. We don’t have to earn the right to wear our bathing suit in public... we already have it. I just needed to find it! So if you are struggling with enjoying the summer water because of how you feel in your bathing suit and perhaps wearing the bathing suit at all... you’ll want to listen to this! On the episode today, I’ll share the 7 lessons I learned while getting back my confidence in a bathing suit and the exact steps I took. Here’s a very powerful quote from Lindsay Kites from Beauty Redefined “We don’t hate our bodies because they don’t look g

  • 194-Women Food and Mindfulness

    27/06/2019 Duração: 29min

    On today's episode, we talk about mindfulness One of the most impactful tools for reactive eating behavior is mindful eating. One of the most powerful tools for reactive living (depression/anxiety) is mindful living. Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us and within us including food. Women Food & Mindfulness is an episode that has the power to change your relationship to food in a very easy way... I’ll share the Going Beyond The Food Method way to become more mindful. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: What is mindfulness and what it’s not! Link between mindfulness and food Why women could benefit more from mindfulness than men How to be more mindful in your life Easy way to incorporate mindfulness practice in your life Mentioned on the show: FREE Intuitive Eating Guide Mind-Body Connection article Religion and Mindfulness Going Beyond the Food Academy

  • 193-Recover from People Pleasing with Dr. Sasha Heinz

    20/06/2019 Duração: 43min

    On today's episode, we talk about people pleasing “...but my priority is my family right now. I don’t have the time to do this work right now or to participate.” We did a survey few months ago and asked our community members what is holding them back from doing the “work” meaning healing their relationship to food & body. People pleasing came in the top 3... specifically #2 . These are the women who knew they had people pleasing behaviors. The funny thing is that the #1 reason holding back women from healing their relationship to food and body was: “I need to lose weight. I can’t bear being in this body right now. Got to fix that first before doing mindset work”.  I say funny because that #1 reason is: people pleasing “in hiding”. So people pleasing is a huge theme in our community! That’s what we are going to deep dive on this episode. Our guest today is Sasha Heinz, PhD and a developmental psychologist. She is an expert in positive psychology, lasting behavioral change, and the science of getting unstuc

  • 192-Q&A: Is Healthy Weight Loss Possible? & Feeling Uncomfortable in Our Body

    13/06/2019 Duração: 48min

    On today's episode, we discuss if healthy weight loss is possible and provide and answer, too! Is it possible to lose weight in a healthy way? When is gaining weight enough when I try to eat intuitively? Is it wrong to still want to lose weight? I just want because I don’t feel comfortable in my actual one? These are all super good questions and so valid considering the society we live in. We are surrounded by messages that we should want to lose weight and that we should aim to be in a smaller body. We have been taught from a very young age that: Health = Thinness Happiness = Thinner body That if we aren’t in society standards in our body size, we should be actively working really hard on getting “there” (aka smaller body) If the diet doesn’t work, it’s not the diet’s fault rather it’s our fault. We haven’t tried hard enough, exercised enough, or have enough will power, etc... The desire to lose weight is completely and 100% normal. Many of you know through your own experience that the proposed weight loss

  • 191-Unfuck Your Brain to Be Confident NOW with Kara Loewentheil

    06/06/2019 Duração: 35min

    On today's episode, we talk about how to Unfuck Your Brain I wanted to lose weight so that I could be more self-confident. 95% of the women I work with want to or did want to lose weight so that they can be more confident. We are taught by society that if we are thin, we will automatically be confident and ultimately happy. Yet we lose the weight and we aren’t happier. We still don’t feel confident as we should. Then we regain the weight because, spoiler alert, diet doesn’t work long term. That’s until we repeat the cycle again looking for that “confidence”. How many times do we have to repeat the cycle to see that confidence isn’t an external thing?? I did it for 25 years. You? Our guest today, Kara Loewentheil, a Master Confidence Certified Coach with a B.A. from Yale and J.D. from Harvard Law is going to teach us how to become more self-confident today independent of our weight.  The work is all in our mind! What you’ll learn listening to this episode: How patriarchy and socialization thoughts impact our

  • 190-I’ve Gained Weight... SHE’s Beyond The Food–Chapter 4

    30/05/2019 Duração: 37min

    On today's episode, we talk about weight gain Yes, I’ve gained weight. I’m a nutritionist and I’ve gained weight.  I’m a woman and I’ve gained weight. I’ve gained weight and I’m ok with it. Just 3 short years ago, I would have never considered writing this, recording this. I doing everything I could NOT to gain weight yet I was gaining weight. The more I try the less it worked. On today’s episode, I’ll share my personal journey with weight gain and how I’m living through it.  Some will say “coping with weight gain” and I would have said the same things just 2 short years ago. Today, I’m fully at peace with it. How can this be?  What you’ll learn listening to this episode: 9 lessons I’ve learned from gaining weight My journey through dieting Why and How my perspective on weight gain shifted How I changed my perspective on weight & body Mentioned on the show: Free Body Acceptance Challenge Body Acceptance Project Intuitive Eating Guide Health At every Size Manifesto

  • 189-Liberate Your Body: A Call to Arms for Women of All Sizes with Jes Baker

    23/05/2019 Duração: 48min

    On today's episode, we talk about how to liberate your body Only 4% of women will call themselves beautiful. That statistics just broke my heart... The truth is I was part of that 96% not finding themselves beautiful for most of my life. To be real it’s almost an act of courage to accept your body in today’s world. One of the most powerful agents in liberating myself from body shaming has been the studying of the concept of patriarchal beauty standard. The historical and economic reasons behind where we are with women’s body expectations in the year 2000. Fascinating and liberating experience and that’s what I want to share with you today. Our guest today is Jess Baker, an author, international speaker and blogger with a background in mental health where she’s worked as a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Specialist. She described herself as an unabashed fat chick and a proponent of harnessing the magnificent power of shame resilience! What you’ll learn listening to this episode: Why only 4 % of women will call t

  • 188-Healing Body Image with Photography with Ashley Sherwood

    16/05/2019 Duração: 52min

        On today's episode, we talk about Healing Body Image with Photography Do you struggle with seeing pictures of you? Avoid them altogether maybe? For all of us women who have struggled with body image, taming our self-image via observing our reflection on picture is a very important step in the process of healing body image. Taking pictures of ourselves and choosing compassion over self-critique is key. On today’s episode, we are joined with a professional photographer who is using photography to heal her own body image struggle and the one of her clients in amazing body love photoshoots. Our guest today is Ashley, a professional photographer from Toronto, Canada. Her work has been published in nationwide campaigns with international brands such as Air Miles, Mattel, and Bluenotes.  Ashley has also co-founded GRLCHILL which is a passion project about friendship, self-love, and womanhood. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: How to harness the power of photography to move forward with healing your b

  • 187-SHE’s Beyond The Food-Chapter 3: I'm Done with Keto

    09/05/2019 Duração: 42min

    On today's episode, we discover why I quit Keto I’ve been avoiding recording this episode for nearly 2 years. I’ve been scared of the consequences, hesitated by fear of backlash, started recording it and stopped so many times. Something happened this week that triggered me to finally record this episode... It wasn’t just about me anymore. This episode needed to be recorded for you-the listeners, my clients, my patients and my students. On today’s episode SHE’s Beyond The Food Chapter 3, I'll share with you my personal journey with food and diets... particularly the Ketogenic diet. And today, I’m officially making it public: I’m calling it quits with keto and sharing the reasons that led me to make this choice. This is not the type of quitting after just a few months of being keto or because I didn’t lose weight.  This shift is way beyond this... I wrote a book about the ketogenic diet, lectured at professional conferences about keto, studied and researched ketosis and ultimately created an entire program abo

  • 186-Be the Boss Of You-Intuitive Eating with Evelyn Tribole

    02/05/2019 Duração: 53min

    On today's episode, we discover intuitive eating You are the boss of you, sister.... no one else. So hire, fire and promote accordingly. I’m sure you wouldn’t tolerate anyone telling you what to do in your own house. You wouldn’t let anyone dictate who your date is, right? Yet we let diets control our food choices and the way we feel about ourselves. That’s what we call diet culture. Sisters, it’s time we stop letting diets control our lives. We must take our power back from the latest diet... including the latest keto expert! It’s proven diets not only don’t work they lead to more weight gain. Diet is harmful to the female body. Today, we discover intuitive eating, a proven self-care eating framework that puts YOU back in the driver seat of food choices, body, and health. This way of engaging with food (read here: not a diet) teaches you to be a team with your body. Our guest today Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S is the author of 9 books, with a nutrition counseling practice in Newport Beach, California. Sh

  • 185-Five Steps to Strengthen Your Intuition & Higher Intelligence with Dr. Joy Martina

    25/04/2019 Duração: 42min

    On today's episode, we talk about how to strengthen your intuition Do you wish to have more guidance in your life, to be more certain that you are making the right choices for you? That knowing is accessible to you right now. This intelligence is inside you, me and all women: It’s called our intuition. On today’s episode, we explore together the highest form of intelligence: intuition. We will learn how to connect to this superior source of intelligence and also how to strengthen it so you can be more confident. Our guest today, Dr. Joy Martina is a Psychic Psychologist and a Channeler of Christallin Consciousness specializes in High-Level Intuitive Intelligence Training for entrepreneurs, business owners and celebrities. Dr. Joy will take us through her most recent best-selling book: How to use your intuition to transform your life. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: What is intuition and what is it not. The 5 steps we must take to strengthen our intuition Why being is a state of joy and happiness

  • 184-Turning Crisis into Awakening with Sheree Clark

    18/04/2019 Duração: 39min

    On today's episode, we speak with Sheree Clark Are you at a “fork” in the road? You know something needs to change... must change... has to change. You get the feeling that if you don’t make a choice now, life will make one for you. For some, it’s an acute life event that forces them into making a choice... for me, it was collapsing on stage. For other women, their body wisdom takes care of creating this fork in the road with aging and hormones. It’s called menopause. It’s the natural process that moves us from motherhood to coming of wisdom. Coming back to being “just” a woman... no longer the nurturer or caregiver. For many, that’s a hard transition. In today’s episode, Sheree Clark talks about turning midlife crisis into mid-life awakening.  Sheree will help you create a vision for your fork in the road creating opportunities for growth, fun, and achievement. Sheree Clark is a midlife courage coach, TV show host, inspiring speaker and accomplished author. What you'll learn listening to this episode: How S

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