The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

195-Bathing Suit Confidence: My 7 Lessons-SHE’s Beyond The Food–Chapter 5



On today's episode, we talk about bathing suit confidence Usually around April, we start hearing about “getting that bikini body” like it’s a thing we need to earn. After months of hibernation we are supposed to dust ourselves off and work really really hard to get a body that deserves to wear a bathing suit. The truth I discovered through my own journey is that being confident in a bathing suit doesn’t require months of planning and buckets of sweat aren’t required. We don’t have to earn the right to wear our bathing suit in public... we already have it. I just needed to find it! So if you are struggling with enjoying the summer water because of how you feel in your bathing suit and perhaps wearing the bathing suit at all... you’ll want to listen to this! On the episode today, I’ll share the 7 lessons I learned while getting back my confidence in a bathing suit and the exact steps I took. Here’s a very powerful quote from Lindsay Kites from Beauty Redefined “We don’t hate our bodies because they don’t look g