The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

186-Be the Boss Of You-Intuitive Eating with Evelyn Tribole



On today's episode, we discover intuitive eating You are the boss of you, sister.... no one else. So hire, fire and promote accordingly. I’m sure you wouldn’t tolerate anyone telling you what to do in your own house. You wouldn’t let anyone dictate who your date is, right? Yet we let diets control our food choices and the way we feel about ourselves. That’s what we call diet culture. Sisters, it’s time we stop letting diets control our lives. We must take our power back from the latest diet... including the latest keto expert! It’s proven diets not only don’t work they lead to more weight gain. Diet is harmful to the female body. Today, we discover intuitive eating, a proven self-care eating framework that puts YOU back in the driver seat of food choices, body, and health. This way of engaging with food (read here: not a diet) teaches you to be a team with your body. Our guest today Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S is the author of 9 books, with a nutrition counseling practice in Newport Beach, California. Sh