The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

196-Finding Your Intuitive Voice & Release Perfectionism with Kelly Covert



    On today's episode, we talk about intuitive voice In the same way that Intuitive Eating teaches you to tap into your innate body wisdom to know what to eat, you can tap into this same body wisdom to be guided in all the other segments of your life. The body wisdom we’ve been gifted by embodying our human body is awaiting us to notice her and engage with her with trust and respect. Some will call this body wisdom intuition others will say inner voice... all the same. When we do not engage and respect this wisdom, we tend to be engaged in perfectionism as a way to control life... control our life, control our future, control our body. Control so it can be the way it should be. But it doesn’t work... and we try harder. Control more. And we fail harder. On today’s episode, Kelly Covert, an inner voice coach will help us interrupt this pattern. Kelly has a passion for helping women believe and achieve their big vision by connecting deeply with the wisdom that is inside of them all while owning their worthines