The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

193-Recover from People Pleasing with Dr. Sasha Heinz



On today's episode, we talk about people pleasing “...but my priority is my family right now. I don’t have the time to do this work right now or to participate.” We did a survey few months ago and asked our community members what is holding them back from doing the “work” meaning healing their relationship to food & body. People pleasing came in the top 3... specifically #2 . These are the women who knew they had people pleasing behaviors. The funny thing is that the #1 reason holding back women from healing their relationship to food and body was: “I need to lose weight. I can’t bear being in this body right now. Got to fix that first before doing mindset work”.  I say funny because that #1 reason is: people pleasing “in hiding”. So people pleasing is a huge theme in our community! That’s what we are going to deep dive on this episode. Our guest today is Sasha Heinz, PhD and a developmental psychologist. She is an expert in positive psychology, lasting behavioral change, and the science of getting unstuc