The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

192-Q&A: Is Healthy Weight Loss Possible? & Feeling Uncomfortable in Our Body



On today's episode, we discuss if healthy weight loss is possible and provide and answer, too! Is it possible to lose weight in a healthy way? When is gaining weight enough when I try to eat intuitively? Is it wrong to still want to lose weight? I just want because I don’t feel comfortable in my actual one? These are all super good questions and so valid considering the society we live in. We are surrounded by messages that we should want to lose weight and that we should aim to be in a smaller body. We have been taught from a very young age that: Health = Thinness Happiness = Thinner body That if we aren’t in society standards in our body size, we should be actively working really hard on getting “there” (aka smaller body) If the diet doesn’t work, it’s not the diet’s fault rather it’s our fault. We haven’t tried hard enough, exercised enough, or have enough will power, etc... The desire to lose weight is completely and 100% normal. Many of you know through your own experience that the proposed weight loss