Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast

365: Most People Have "Mindset" Wrong... Here's What You Need to Know



I get it, mindset talk is everywhere these days, but most people have it all wrong.  You've probably heard a thousand times that your mindset is crucial, but nobody really teaches you HOW to transform it. Coaches often throw inspirational quotes at you or say, "Just stay positive" or "Stick with it," leaving you with that nagging feeling of, "I need the right mindset, but how?" These positive affirmations, like "just stick with it," might give you a temporary boost in motivation, but they're like a band-aid fix, leading to a never-ending cycle of ups and downs. In this week's podcast, I break it down for you.  Changing your mindset isn't something that magically happens. It's an active process, and that's a WONDERFUL thing. It means that you can take steps to work on it every single day. It involves unraveling those deep-rooted limiting beliefs and understanding those B.S. thoughts that get in your way. If you don't do this, you'll keep circling those same unhelpful patterns and habits. How do we do this? It