Ascend Lifestyle Performance Podcast

364: Success Leaves Clues: Building Your Best Self Operating Manual



When you hear the words "learning opportunity", what comes to mind? For me, its an euphenism for a failure or mistake. "No, you didn't fail, you learned!" "We learn from failure, not from success". I do agree that failures and mistakes are opportunities to learn. I do NOT agree that we don't learn from success. I think that we can learn A LOT from success, and in podcast I share how to do it.  Recall a time in life (maybe it's right now) when things were working. Maybe it's a time that you were feeling very committed to your health goals. Maybe it was a time that following through on habits just felt easy. A time you had more energy. A time you consistently slept 8-9 hours a night like a baby kitten. A time where you were very connected with your spouse and had a lot of fun with sex. A time where you were just, well, feeling GOOD. Then, press and join me on a simple process to create your 'best self operating system'. Success leaves clues. Success is an EXCELLENT opportunity to learn. Take a listen and le