The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection



Strategies, tips, resources and step by step action plan geared to women to help you lose weight, end the battle with your body and leave food cravings & emotional eating behind you. Each episode we bring an expert or deliver a message to help achieve your health goals, unlock your self- confidence and live a better life while looking at health beyond just food and to explore the mind-body connection to healing. You will discover what has been holding you back and be empowered and inspired to now unleash the best version of yourself. The Beyond The Food Show it's a holistic approach to health for women, personal development, personal growth, spirituality, coaching, education, and self-mastery. Your host Stephanie Dodier is a Clinical Nutritionist, food cravings and weight loss expert. She was there too, Stephanie lost 100lbs ended the food cravings that were ruling her life for the last 20 years. At 34 years old she was hospitalized, sick, depressed and hated her body. Today at 42 she serves and inspires women to transform their own life. More at


  • 165-Body Acceptance: The Must-Have to Make Peace with Food 

    29/11/2018 Duração: 34min

    We think that we can delay accepting our body until we get our relationship to food OK. Most of us are ready to do the work with our emotions but when it comes to doing the work with our body image... we resist. And we resist hard! The truth is Body Acceptance is the must-have to make peace with food. More than a must-have, it’s essential. Can’t make peace with food without making peace with your body right now as is! It’s like trying to heal a splinter without removing the foreign object. Crazy right? You never think of not removing what causing the infection, the pus, the pain, the inflammation... Yet we think that we can avoid accepting our body. The pain and suffering associated with non-body acceptance is the cause of many emotional eating roller coaster, binges and diet cycle. In this episode I discuss Body Acceptance: the definition What happens when we don't accept our body as is The 3 things you can do now to start accepting... yep, no-cost involved Last episode, I shared my Holiday Survival Guide

  • 164-Holiday Survival Guide

    22/11/2018 Duração: 30min

    Holiday Survival Guide Surviving the holidays can be tough. Thriving in the holiday nearly impossible for some. Perhaps the holiday period is causing you more anxiety than pleasure. The anticipation of seeing certain family members might be causing you to be in an emotional eating rollercoaster. Perhaps the business of it all drives you to completely forget about yourself and by the time you get to Christmas, you’re completely exhausted and completely lost control on any healthy habits you might have in place just a few weeks before. The Beyond The Food Holiday Survival guide will move you from self-destructing eating habits during the holiday to thriving and loving the holidays altogether! and Yes, it’s possible... As with anything we teach here, a few tweaks in your mindset and how you approach certain situation or event will be needed to move from shriveling at the idea to anticipating the holiday with excitement. In this episode I discuss The #1 cause of emotional eating loop My personal advice on how yo

  • 163-Smart Women Don’t Diet... and What They Do Instead

    15/11/2018 Duração: 45min

    Why Diets Don’t Work Smart women don’t diet... they do THIS instead. After 27 years of dieting, I’m clear on one thing… diets don’t work. 91% of all women are unhappy about their body and resort to dieting. We think that a “thin” body is going to unlock our happiness, our acceptance, our joy. And 95% of all dieters regain their all weight within 1-5 years. Yet we keep dieting. We keep hating our body. We keep judging ourselves for our inability to be in freaking control… yet neuroscience is clear: WILLPOWER is a limited resource. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."- Albert Einstein The question is… are you? After making peace with food and my body by going beyond the food as a nutritionist and looking at what was really driving our desire to eat and judge our body, today, I help women do one thing: Transform your relationship to food and body so you can…. *FEEL BETTER about YOUR body as it is today without having to lose anything. *BE HEALTHIER i

  • 162-All or Nothing Mindset Trap

    08/11/2018 Duração: 33min

    Do you say things like “I’m on track”, “I’m having a good or bad day” and the ultimate “on and off the wagon”? Absolutist thinking is one of the most common denominators in our Going Beyond The Food community. It’s the source of many emotional eating loops, overeating weekends and restricted food binges. The truth is the all or nothing mindset is a negative thought process also known as cognitive distortion. Everything- from food to your views of yourself to professional life– is divided into black or white terms. Everything is either success or failure. The consequences of this way of engaging with food and, quite frankly, life are anxiety, stress, self-doubt, low self-esteem, feeling of failure and shame and long-term distorted relationship to food. Most critical, it affects our ability to have a healthy and balanced life experience. To add fuel to the fire, the fact is that diets are built around the all or nothing framework. We start the diet, we restrict food and it works until it doesn’t. Then, we try h

  • 161-Are You a Sugar Addict with Bitten Jonsson

    25/10/2018 Duração: 01h14min

    Are you a sugar addict? Is sugar addiction even real? What’s the difference between sugar addiction and emotional eating? If we’re addicted to sugar, what should we do? These are all the questions we will answer with Bitten Jonsson, RN, ADDIS/SUGAR Certified and a Sugar Addiction Specialist. I gave her carte blanche to use my own assessment to explain and help you understand addiction. If you look at the medical definition of addiction… I’m an addict. Throughout my life, I have been addicted to many substances and activities: started with sugar then moved on to drugs and nicotine and then human co-dependency and work. As Bitten described, I have an addictive personality. But I don’t like the label of addict. To be honest, I don’t like labeling altogether. I find labeling to be very disempowering. When I labeled myself as an addict, which I did in my twenties, it made my addiction worse. I thought I was powerless.... that the substance had more power than I could ever have over my own addiction. For me, my add

  • 160-Practicing the Basics

    18/10/2018 Duração: 49min

    One superstar student of the current semester of the Going Beyond The Food Academy is seeing so much results in a short 4-week period that she feels the duty to share our method with people in her life that need it.  She wanted to know if we have an episode of the podcast she could share with people that would encapsulate our approach and what to do to get started... we didn’t have one. Well, that’s not true. We had many that dissected one point but none that recaps our approach at a higher level. One designed for beginners.   So, I created it... Practicing the basics is just that!  In this episode I discuss What is the Going Beyond The Food Method  The Framework that guides our approach  When are you ready to for the Going Beyond The Food method How to get started Hope this serves many of you! Last episode was an episode recorded via Day 1 Wrap-up session of the Going Beyond the Food Project 2018. We answered questions submitted about the talks of the day. It was a 'nothing-is-off-limits' kind of episode. 

  • 159-Live Q&A Session October... Nothing Is Off Limits!

    11/10/2018 Duração: 40min

    The last time we did a live recording, the episode quickly went to the top chart! That live Q&A session on Facebook was almost a year ago!  There’s so much fun to do... We are well overdue for another one... Just like the last one, we recorded this one over a Facebook Live during our yearly Going Beyond the Food Project online conference. In this episode I discuss The questions received from the talks of Day 1 of the Going Beyond the Project 2018 How to get started with your transformation by going beyond the food How not to get overwhelmed with all the information from an online conference like this The fundamental aspect that you should focus on to bring about permanent change to your life Last episode, I talked about an article that was published by Huffington Post on September 19th, 2018 that sent shock wave in the world. The article titled “Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong” by Micheal Hobbes is controversial... is challenging all of our societal beliefs around obesity all of them. From ob

  • 158-“Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong”... Almost!

    04/10/2018 Duração: 53min

    An article was published by Huffington Post on September 19th, 2018 sent shock wave in the world. The article titled “Everything You Know About Obesity Is Wrong” by Micheal Hobbes is controversial... is challenging all of our societal beliefs around obesity all of them. From obesity is the #1 enemy of health to dieting throws it all in the air... and also explains why we suffer so much when stigmatized with weight issues. Is it all true? Almost... Although I agree with most certain elements just encourage even more victimization and more suffering. In today’s podcast, we are going to look at this article and dissect what is right and what is wrong... and most importantly, what to do with this information. In this episode I discuss The reason why how we've handled obesity is wrong Why fat-shaming isn't only not cool, but also doesn't work in weight loss The importance of addressing the issue why we gain weight Why Weight and Health are not perfect synonyms  Fatphobia can come from medical providers. Yes, stat

  • 157-Make Peace with Food & Body

    28/09/2018 Duração: 49min

    Tired of fighting with your body and food? Exhausted of being in a constant struggle with yourself and willpower? Did you know that it doesn’t have to be...? You can change your relationship to food and your body and finally be at peace. Our yearly online conference is back to support your journey to Make Peace with food and body. The Going Beyond The Food Project is a free online conference starting Oct 8-19th 2018. During this event, you’ll have FREE access to over 22 talks from experts from around the world that I have handpicked to teach you what you need to know to finally be at peace. You can register here! In this event, you’ll learn: Identify the root cause reason WHY you eat Learn new approaches How to eat consciously Transform your relationship to your body Move beyond body image struggles Overcome binge eating behaviors naturally Discover how to stop overeating easily Change your emotional eating behaviors to serve you Understand why weight management is not the solution to be healthy Discover cut

  • 156-7 Lessons From Accepting My Body

    21/09/2018 Duração: 57min

    My journey towards accepting my body has been hard but one of the most rewarding difficult processes I have ever done. I have learned many lessons in this journey which I’ll be sharing with you in this episode. 7 life lessons I have learned and that have seeped through my whole life.  But I want you to know something... right now!  Body acceptance is possible for all of us. That is, accepting our body for what is. Taking the focus on what your body looks like and instead focusing on what it’s capable of.   Rather than telling yourself you hate the fat on your belly, it’s appreciating the child it created.  Body Neutrality is the proprietary method I teach within the Going Beyond The Food Academy. Lesson 7.  The most impactful life-changing module.    Visit for complete show notes of every podcast episode Body neutrality will lead you to:  Overcome black and white thinking  Gain more self-love and compassion   Being more mindful… in all aspects of life  Decr

  • 155-Why You’re Stuck and What to Do!

    13/09/2018 Duração: 47min

    Do you feel stuck?   You want to change yet you can’t get started or perhaps you’ve started the process of change and it’s not getting you where you want to be?  I hear a version of that everytime I engage with a new client. I mean, I’ve been there myself. There is a part of my life in which I’m there right now.  There is a reason why you are stuck and no, it’s not because something is wrong with you or the program you're on. In fact, the reason is in between your two ears. The solution is in your mind... and your heart.  In this episode, we are going to break down the stages of changes and why no one in this community is in stage one, which means everyone is engaged in the process of change. You're all in between stages 2-5... And maybe 6.  Moreover, we’re also going to hear from someone who is in stage 4 which is where most of my students are. Ready to engage in stage 5-6!  In this episode I discuss  The reason why you're stuck and the actionable strategies to make profound and steady changes in your life

  • 154-How to Stop Binging Cycles

    06/09/2018 Duração: 40min

    Binging is defined as a period, usually short, of excess something. In the case of binge eating, it’s excess eating. It's usually done alone and or hidden from our environment. My approach, as always, is based on taking responsibility. It’s an empowering model of transformation. The solution is within us. If you are looking to blame something out of you to resolve binge... like food, sugar, what people did to you... this is not the right podcast for you. Feeling empowered resides in the fact that you know you have the power to change things. You can only change what you create. Most of us create the desire to binge... that’s the framework in which we will explore this. This is only for the women who are ready to transform permanently... Because transformation CAN only happen when we feel empowered over our problem that we want to transform. In this episode I discuss  What is Binge Eating? How binging cycles happen... the brain mechanism behind it. Why your brain leads you to binge cycle... where does it come

  • 153-The Solution to Food Addiction

    02/09/2018 Duração: 54min

    Food addiction is a very sensitive subject... and let’s say very controversial. It’s one of these subjects that get people very polarized. It’s either one way or the other. I used to see addiction, food addiction being one of the possible addictions, as this black or white subject. For instance, sugar is addictive and should be avoided for the rest of my life. All forms of sugar were dangerous... like viciously dangerous. But then I evolved... I opened myself to different viewpoints. Educated myself. Researched. I realized via education and life experience (my own addictions) that it’s not black and white. So in today’s episode, I’m going to share my viewpoints, the facts of research and our solution here that we teach at Going Beyond the Food Academy. Visit for complete show notes of every podcast episode In this episode I discuss  The definition of addiction and its types  My personal journey towards addiction healing What causes food addiction or any addic

  • 152-Finding the Courage to Do What’s Best for You with Jessica Tomasko

    30/08/2018 Duração: 55min

    Finding the Courage to Do What’s Best for You In this special bonus edition of The Beyond the Food Show podcast, I’m sharing a powerful case study that will show you how transforming your relationship to food is not only possible without willpower but also transforming your entire life: kids, partner, work and all! To kick off this new segment of the podcast, I’m showcasing the story of one of the members of our Academy community, Jessica Tomasko. Jessica is in her 40’s, a mother of 2, wife and a professional who, in her words, says she has spent her whole life binging and dieting. She was desperate, miserable and scared that if nothing changes, she would spend the rest of her life suffering. Jessica is a source of inspiration for all women. Jessica agreed to do this to impact other women... like you. Visit for complete show notes of every podcast episode  In this episode I discuss  Why is it worth your time and money to do the Going Beyond the Food Academy 

  • 151-How Much Is the Desire to Control Your Food & Weight Really Costing You?

    26/08/2018 Duração: 44min

    How much is the desire to control your food costing you I’ve decided to write and speak about this topic of “Cost” after a lot of reflection. I was hesitant because I know the values and beliefs that many of us have around money and how sensitive it is for many women. After months of thinking, I’ve decided to speak publicly. Cost and money are the #1 reason why women do not take their knowledge to the next level, thus, creating changes and transformation in their lives. Nothing will ever change if we continue doing the same thing that resulted in our current situation. That applies to anything... The truth is we live in a world that requires an energy exchange of some type when it comes to almost anything including learning. That form of energy is money... the problem with money and eating behaviors is this: We’ve spent a lot in the past to lose weight, to change eating behaviors, to stop binging, etc... and it didn’t work. You see your weight, body and it’s clearly a fail. It’s now later in your life... 30-4

  • 150-Boost Your Self-Confidence in 4 Steps

    23/08/2018 Duração: 37min

    Many women wished they had been blessed with more self-confidence so that they can achieve their goal. Thinking that if they had received the gift they would, too be where others are. Here’s the good news, ladies... self-confidence is a learned skill. Meaning, you can learn how to improve self-confidence. With the 4 steps that we will review today, you’ll be able to practice and foster an environment that will lead you to improve and boost self-confidence. One thing to understand first is that self-confidence and self-esteem aren’t the same. Self-Esteem is an evaluation of one’s own worth, whereas self-confidence is more specifically trust in one’s ability to achieve some goals. What we will focus on today is self-confidence, however, know that in the areas of self-care and eating behavior, self-confidence is intertwined with self-worth especially when it comes to body image. Visit for complete show notes of every podcast episode In this episode I discuss  Th

  • 149-Ask Me: People Pleasing: How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser

    21/08/2018 Duração: 33min

    How to Stop Being a People-Pleaser Are you a people-pleaser? Where did that come from? How did you become one? These are the questions you have to ask yourself to be able to know how to stop being a people-pleaser. But, what is a people-pleaser? A people-pleaser is one of the nicest and most helpful people you know. They never say “no.” You can always count on them for a favor. In fact, they spend a great deal of time doing things for other people. They get their work done, help others with their work, make all the plans, and are always there for family members and friends. That’s the mother who says “I don’t have time to implement this change in my life because I have to take their activities and competition on the weekend. It’s just doesn’t fit in my schedule. So far this sounds like a good thing. Right? Unfortunately, it can be an extremely unhealthy pattern of behavior. It leads to shying away from expressing themselves, and ultimately, not taking care of themselves... If this is you, and you want to stop

  • 148-Case Study: How Carol’s Journey Beyond Food Resolved the Food Issues

    16/08/2018 Duração: 49min

    Case Study: How Carol's Journey Beyond Food Resolved the Food Issues Is it possible that talking about food in an attempt to resolve food issues could be the wrong approach? Is it possible that the more we focus on food the more we cause ourselves to have issues with food? Today, we will look at a case study. Case study is defined as a process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time. The case study presented today is not a case of research, instead, a clinical observation of one of the students of the Going Beyond The Food Academy program. In this case study, we look at one client journey to see how The Going Beyond The Food Method was effective in resolving the food issues. This student is Carol and she is a typical student we see coming through the Going Beyond The Food Academy with typical results. Hope this helps you know if the Going Beyond The Food Academy program is for you or not. Visit https://

  • 147- Quiz: Is It Time to Try the Non-food Approach? Is it Time to Stop Dieting?

    09/08/2018 Duração: 40min

    Is It Time to Stop Dieting? "Have I ever done anything else than dieting? Could it be why I'm constantly failing? Should I be trying something else? Is it time to stop dieting?" Do you ask yourself these questions, too? If you do, this episode if FOR YOU! As we've all heard Einstein's famous line, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So, perhaps it's time you try the non-food/non-diet approach. But what is it? Let's imagine your car's engine light starts blinking. What would you do? Would you, A- Open the dashboard, take the light bulb out and say to yourself, "Hah! I've resolved the problem. There's no more engine light blinking." Or B- Will say to yourself, "There's something going on. Let me get into my mechanic and have him assess the issue to fix the root cause of the blinking engine light." I want you to think of dieting as situation A. Dieting, restricting anything about food is like taking the light bulb out of the dashboard. You're controlling the in

  • 146-Ask Me: My Weight Struggle As A Nutritionist

    02/08/2018 Duração: 55min

    Overcoming Weight Struggle As A Nutritionist Stephanie, how do you deal with your weight struggle? This was the starting point of this episode. A podcast listener submitted this question, and I sat on it for weeks. At first, I've got to be honest, I took offense... then I reflected. Why is this offensive to me? Because I know that answering this question is going to ruffle feathers. My viewpoint on weight is significantly different from most health experts’. I live it every day... since the age of 14. To answer this properly, I also I had to answer these 2 questions: Why do you think you need to answer people who challenge your weight? People who say harming yourself by not dieting? So, this is a beast of an episode... likely one that will upset many... but also one that will help many. I knew that in writing this episode, a hundred one women would have their AH AH moment that would enable them to start their own transformation. Are you going to be one of them? Visit

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