The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

153-The Solution to Food Addiction



Food addiction is a very sensitive subject... and let’s say very controversial. It’s one of these subjects that get people very polarized. It’s either one way or the other. I used to see addiction, food addiction being one of the possible addictions, as this black or white subject. For instance, sugar is addictive and should be avoided for the rest of my life. All forms of sugar were dangerous... like viciously dangerous. But then I evolved... I opened myself to different viewpoints. Educated myself. Researched. I realized via education and life experience (my own addictions) that it’s not black and white. So in today’s episode, I’m going to share my viewpoints, the facts of research and our solution here that we teach at Going Beyond the Food Academy. Visit for complete show notes of every podcast episode In this episode I discuss  The definition of addiction and its types  My personal journey towards addiction healing What causes food addiction or any addic