The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

146-Ask Me: My Weight Struggle As A Nutritionist



Overcoming Weight Struggle As A Nutritionist Stephanie, how do you deal with your weight struggle? This was the starting point of this episode. A podcast listener submitted this question, and I sat on it for weeks. At first, I've got to be honest, I took offense... then I reflected. Why is this offensive to me? Because I know that answering this question is going to ruffle feathers. My viewpoint on weight is significantly different from most health experts’. I live it every day... since the age of 14. To answer this properly, I also I had to answer these 2 questions: Why do you think you need to answer people who challenge your weight? People who say harming yourself by not dieting? So, this is a beast of an episode... likely one that will upset many... but also one that will help many. I knew that in writing this episode, a hundred one women would have their AH AH moment that would enable them to start their own transformation. Are you going to be one of them? Visit