The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

147- Quiz: Is It Time to Try the Non-food Approach? Is it Time to Stop Dieting?



Is It Time to Stop Dieting? "Have I ever done anything else than dieting? Could it be why I'm constantly failing? Should I be trying something else? Is it time to stop dieting?" Do you ask yourself these questions, too? If you do, this episode if FOR YOU! As we've all heard Einstein's famous line, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." So, perhaps it's time you try the non-food/non-diet approach. But what is it? Let's imagine your car's engine light starts blinking. What would you do? Would you, A- Open the dashboard, take the light bulb out and say to yourself, "Hah! I've resolved the problem. There's no more engine light blinking." Or B- Will say to yourself, "There's something going on. Let me get into my mechanic and have him assess the issue to fix the root cause of the blinking engine light." I want you to think of dieting as situation A. Dieting, restricting anything about food is like taking the light bulb out of the dashboard. You're controlling the in