Victorious Life Christian Center - Flagstaff



Welcome to the 'Destined To Win' Podcasts with the sermons and teachings of Pastor and Teacher, Tim Masters.


  • A Child I born, A Son Is Given, A Light Has Come

    01/12/2019 Duração: 51min

    Christmas, what a glorious time! Where our hope was given that our lives could be changed! A Child was given, A Son was Born! The gift of Christ was set from the foundation of the world and set forth to explain His purpose for all of mankind. A child, coming into the world like us. A man growing in the world like us. A savior living in the world yet not like us… Jesus did so without sin! He came to redeem… to get us back to where we were at the beginning. We need to realize, the manger, Gethsemane and Calvary were no afterthought. Long before there was a stable in Bethlehem, long before Adam and Eve set eyes on each other, even before there existed a garden called Eden, God decided to send His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. The gift of Jesus is what Christmas is all about. Jesus died for us that we could live for Him! It’s never been about lights, shopping or gifts under a tree. Christmas is about the gift God gave on the tree where Christ died for our sins, giving us the gift of eternal life.

  • The Reality of Hell, What Did Jesus Say?

    24/11/2019 Duração: 01h14min

    Why do most churches not speak about the one subject that Jesus spoke about more than any of His other subjects? A subject that has been, and still is difficult to speak about even to the most astute of biblical pastors. Though uncomfortable, a subject Jesus proclaimed imperative to declare and discuss… ‘The Reality of Hell’. So much so did Jesus want us to understand this 'very real place' that He even described it more vividly than He described Heaven. Though, no one has a endearing desire to speak about it, every pastor owes it to their congregation to raise the subject of Hell, if not on a regular basis… at least annually. Join us a Victorious Life this Sunday as Pastor Tim expounds upon the ‘Reality of Hell’ as the place Jesus spoke of more than anyone else in scripture for the sole purpose of helping people know it is a very real destination where they do not want to arrive. (Childcare and Children’s Ministry Available)

  • Angels And Demons

    17/11/2019 Duração: 01h10min

    In society today, there seems to be an almost insatiable desire towards Angels, Demons and the Supernatural. Just look at the movie box office, magazines, television, etc… I wonder if some of this craving is partly to understand what they don’t know, and partly to hope hell, demons and the supernatural are simply fantasy and not reality. A few years ago, the Barna Research Group found that 81% polled said they believed that angels exist and influence people’s lives, but not demon’s nor the demonic! What and who are the angels? Are there really demons and if so, what are who are they? Do these two groups of beings have an agenda? If so, what is it? Is it correct to assume that angels are the nonthreatening, loving beings that many people believe them to be? As we continue our series on ‘Heaven, I Can Only Imagine’; join us this Sunday as we look at ‘Angels and Demons; Who Are They’?

  • Heaven: I Can Only Image Pt 2

    10/11/2019 Duração: 01h18min

    There is an old adage out there that simply says, ‘All Gave Some, But Some Gave All!’ Another, that is greatly similar, ‘American is the land of the free, because of the brave!’ The past is an interesting part of the present. Yesterday is something that we can either run from or something that we can learn from. If you don’t learn from history, (the past), it tends to repeat itself and we will fall into the same traps as we did before. Our dear young (not old) country is doing the same thing. So many, have given so much, for so long to keep this country safe and strong. They did this for one reason, to keep this nation free. Freedom! Yet many today fail to remember or even realize, the whole reason America was settled in the first place was to be under the one who could truly keep this great nation free, God! To remain free we must remain, ‘One Nation Under God’ if not we will be ‘one nation gone under!’ Join us this Sunday as we recognize Veteran’s Day and all those who gave some, and remember some of those

  • Heaven: I Can Only Imagine

    02/11/2019 Duração: 01h03min

    There are so many that make no plans beyond today. Oh, I am not talking about ‘goal setting’, or 5–10-year plans… I am talking about eternity. A question that I ask many is very simple, ‘when all in this life ends, what then? Are you prepared?’ I Chronicles 29:15 says, we’re here for only a moment… Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace. (NLT) I enjoy Disneyland, I have always loved the wonder of it all. As a child I remember watching Walt Disney talk about Disneyland long before I was ever able to go. I suppose the draw of Disneyland is its implied reality, ‘a place where dreams come true.’ Walt Disney was a dreamer who, deep inside, longed for something. He imagined a better world. If I could stretch it a little and say that he was possibly trying to create a little heaven on earth. In his heart of hearts, could it be there was something more driving Walt Disney, something he imagined that was possibly unimaginable. If so, could it be the same ‘wonder’ that drives you and

  • Jesus in the Old Testament

    20/10/2019 Duração: 51min

    The entire Old Testament points toward Jesus as Savior, and if we miss that, we’ve missed the entire point of the Scriptures. Join us Sunday as our guest Bruce Rapp of 'Jews For Jesus' teaches valuable information regarding scripture ties to Jesus, in the Old Testament.

  • When Is The Lord's Return" Pt III Continued

    13/10/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    All Pastors are supposed to instructing God’s people to ‘watch and be ready’ in regard to the Lord’s Return for His Church. Does your pastor, or your church? Understand, Jesus is not coming back for the world, He is coming back for His Church. Better yet, those who have called upon the name of the Lord! Scripture is clear, and the times and seasons we live in are clear, whether you believe it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not… there is an impending judgment coming upon this world. Are you ready? A foreboding question is ever present, ‘are all Christians going in what the bible calls ‘The Rapture of the Church?’ If, you’ve asked Jesus into your life to become your Lord and Savior, does this guarantee your ticket? Scripture speaks of a ‘great falling away’, what does this mean? Everything we see points to the end of the age coming very soon so the most important question to answer, ‘Jesus is coming back for His Church, Are You Going?’ Join us this Sunday as we answer this and many o

  • When Is The Lord's Return" Pt III

    06/10/2019 Duração: 47min

    All Pastors are supposed to instructing God’s people to ‘watch and be ready’ in regard to the Lord’s Return for His Church. Does your pastor, or your church? Understand, Jesus is not coming back for the world, He is coming back for His Church. Better yet, those who have called upon the name of the Lord! Scripture is clear, and the times and seasons we live in are clear, whether you believe it or not, whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not… there is an impending judgment coming upon this world. Are you ready? A foreboding question is ever present, ‘are all Christians going in what the bible calls ‘The Rapture of the Church?’ If, you’ve asked Jesus into your life to become your Lord and Savior, does this guarantee your ticket? Scripture speaks of a ‘great falling away’, what does this mean? Everything we see points to the end of the age coming very soon so the most important question to answer, ‘Jesus is coming back for His Church, Are You Going?’ Join us this Sunday as we answer this and many o

  • When Is The Lord's Return" Pt 1

    22/09/2019 Duração: 44min

    There are so many signs that tell us we are living in the last days of earth’s history. Signs of the times are everywhere, the Lord’s 6000-year timeline is coming to an end and fast approaching the millennium. These are all very real, realities, but are there any biblical specificities that give us even a clearer picture… Yes, there are several… Join us this Sunday as we look at some, and strive to answer the question, ‘What Are The Last Days Like?’


    18/09/2019 Duração: 36min

    A sad truth that seems to emanate today is that more pulpits are filled with ‘secular philosophy’ rather that ‘biblical theology.’ It is almost like pastor’s are more concerned with filling the chairs or the pews, than they are filling the corridors of heaven. What has happened? I remember reading of a young man who was preaching a sermon and asked an elder preacher to critique him. The elder preacher said, “I didn’t like your sermon at all because it mentioned nothing about Christ.” The young preacher replied, “That is because the text wasn’t about Christ.” To which the elder preacher replied, ‘Just as all roads led to Rome, every sermon should lead to Christ.” Sadly, I think many pastors have forgotten the reality that everything we do must be about Christ! God has called pastor’s to be ministers not minstrels! Yet many ministers today seem to promote more of a media presentation than Holy Spirit demonstration. At Victorious Life, Pastor Tim says he has never considered himself a great theologian, scholar,

  • Maximize Manhood

    08/09/2019 Duração: 56min

    Today Dr. Paul Cole, noted author and speaker discusses how men need to be the leaders of both their homes and the church. Today we learn the role God has given each man.

  • God's Word And God's Grace Pt III

    01/09/2019 Duração: 51min

    This world is full of counterfeits in every capacity of life and living, and the same is true of the original. You see, whether it be the animate, the inanimate, the secular and yes even the religious; there is the original and there is the counterfeit. One example is the Harley Davidson motorcycle, though there are many imitations there is only one original. Though there is only one Harley; there are many good motorcycles that’ll get you to the same destination. Yet unlike the Harley, or a host of other imitations, there are not many ‘roads’ you can take to Heaven, there is only one way and one Word; God’s Way and God’s Word. Christianity claims to be and is the original, and God’s Word adamantly declares it is only through Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior that we find the way to God’s planned ultimate destination, Heaven! Join us as we continue our series on ‘God’s Word and God’s Grace’ as we learn that though we were born an original, we must commit ourselves to Christ lest we die an imitation.

  • God's Word God's Way

    25/08/2019 Duração: 57min

    God’s Word is the only medium for altering the course of an individual’s life that can make an eternal difference. Not to compare too, but different than all of the self-help books, this book of books tells of a place of no more tears, no sorrow, no death, only an eternity of joy, peace, and happiness. Still it must be understood… none of the abilities or dedications of this book, has any effect on the person who will not make application of its contents. So, realize this, whether it’s a self-help book, or the Bible, if its content is to make a difference it has to be applied to and literally become the basis of your life. If we are to live a victorious Christian life, we must realize that following God’s Word, is the only way to lead us in God’s Way. When God created heaven and earth, the bible says that He looked at each day, one day at a time, and proclaimed each day good… one day at a time. The God that created everything ‘good’, has an even better plan for each of our lives… do we believe that? Are we se

  • Wk2 - The Gospel Is The Power Of God

    18/08/2019 Duração: 48min

    The only power on this earth that can change a life, is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ that comes through the power of His Word! His Word is called ‘The Gospel.’ I know some think this refers to the first four books of the New Testament… but it literally refers to the entire bible. ‘His Word’ is ‘the power or God unto salvation!’ Too many in the church do not understand the Gospel and what it literally means. ‘The Gospel’, misunderstood by so many Christians that they live beneath their ability to be victorious in their everyday lives. Paul understood ‘the Gospel’ then and wrote to help us understand 'the Gospel' and what it means today! How is that we turn to, and then turn away from the very Gospel that brings us salvation, deliverance and victory? We need to begin to understand the power of God in our life that comes through the Word of God. Join us as we begin a brand-new series on ‘God’s Word and God’s Grace’ as we learn and understand why the Gospel is called, ‘The Power of God!

  • Wk1 - The Gospel is the Power of God

    11/08/2019 Duração: 42min

    The only power on this earth that can change a life, is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ that comes through the power of His Word! His Word is called ‘The Gospel.’ I know some think this refers to the first four books of the New Testament… but it literally refers to the entire bible. ‘His Word’ is ‘the power or God unto salvation!’ Too many in the church do not understand the Gospel and what it literally means. ‘The Gospel’, misunderstood by so many Christians that they live beneath their ability to be victorious in their everyday lives. Paul understood ‘the Gospel’ then and wrote to help us understand 'the Gospel' and what it means today! How is that we turn to, and then turn away from the very Gospel that brings us salvation, deliverance and victory? We need to begin to understand the power of God in our life that comes through the Word of God. Join us as we begin a brand-new series on ‘God’s Word and God’s Grace’ as we learn and understand why the Gospel is called, ‘The Power of God!

  • Revelation Revealed

    02/08/2019 Duração: 48min

    Join us Sunday as Russ Miller teaches on Biblical Truth, the truth of God’s creation and exalts Jesus Christ as our Creator, Judge and redeeming Savior. You do not want to miss this event as Russ exposes the lies of evolution, shares the truth of the great flood, and more.

  • Are We Living What We Say We Believe

    21/07/2019 Duração: 45min

    Could you imagine the impact we could have on the world if we could actually get God’s people to believe what they say they believe. If we’d actually get people to start taking God at His Word and at face value believe what it says! So many things have changed over the years, but one thing remains constant and true: Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8! HE IS THE GOD THAT NEVER CHANGES. God is God, was God and will forevermore remain to be God. Therefore standing strong in God's Word will keep you victorious. You can set the whole of what you do and what you are by the choices you make. So in knowing this, I have made a conscious decision to look for what I hope to see based on what God's Word says is for me. Join us for an enlightening sermon on living a Victorious Christian Life!

  • International Guest Speaker: Ken Gaub

    14/07/2019 Duração: 47min

    Our guest Ken Gaub is an International Speaker and Evangelist, that uses humor and God's Word to challenge people to get to know Jesus. He shares many stories of his experiences in world travels, so join us as we welcome him this Sunday, as he discuss the "MIND".


    10/07/2019 Duração: 36min

    Grace is a special word that can only belong to a child of God! Oh, the world uses it, but does not understand nor appreciate the word. Grace, much more than something we don’t deserve! It is the merciful kindness of God, His power that enables us the ability to turn our lives to Christ and too continually stand strong being increased in our Christian faith. This is what a Christian knows as Grace! As a matter of fact, except for this wonderful God given grace, we would be lost... literally, in every capacity of the word! Join us as we conclude our series, 'God is Working Out what He is Working In!'

  • Signed, Sealed, Delivered; We're His

    02/07/2019 Duração: 48min

    Everyday, we go to the mailbox to pickup our mail, opening the mail with anticipation yet many times finding disappointment. A reminder of something I bought, I really didn’t need. Something I did, I really should not have done or something happened that I really wish hadn’t. The world is full of disappointment, hurt, resentments… piling on much like debts piling up. Many are non collectable by collectors, and some non-payable by debtors. Yet today, I want to look at a letter, each of us have received at one time or another. Yet unlike the rest, this is a letter... once opened, will bring great joy. Because when opened you’ll find stamped across the bill, ‘Debt Canceled.’

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