Victorious Life Christian Center - Flagstaff

Angels And Demons



In society today, there seems to be an almost insatiable desire towards Angels, Demons and the Supernatural. Just look at the movie box office, magazines, television, etc… I wonder if some of this craving is partly to understand what they don’t know, and partly to hope hell, demons and the supernatural are simply fantasy and not reality. A few years ago, the Barna Research Group found that 81% polled said they believed that angels exist and influence people’s lives, but not demon’s nor the demonic! What and who are the angels? Are there really demons and if so, what are who are they? Do these two groups of beings have an agenda? If so, what is it? Is it correct to assume that angels are the nonthreatening, loving beings that many people believe them to be? As we continue our series on ‘Heaven, I Can Only Imagine’; join us this Sunday as we look at ‘Angels and Demons; Who Are They’?