Victorious Life Christian Center - Flagstaff

A Child I born, A Son Is Given, A Light Has Come



Christmas, what a glorious time! Where our hope was given that our lives could be changed! A Child was given, A Son was Born! The gift of Christ was set from the foundation of the world and set forth to explain His purpose for all of mankind. A child, coming into the world like us. A man growing in the world like us. A savior living in the world yet not like us… Jesus did so without sin! He came to redeem… to get us back to where we were at the beginning. We need to realize, the manger, Gethsemane and Calvary were no afterthought. Long before there was a stable in Bethlehem, long before Adam and Eve set eyes on each other, even before there existed a garden called Eden, God decided to send His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. The gift of Jesus is what Christmas is all about. Jesus died for us that we could live for Him! It’s never been about lights, shopping or gifts under a tree. Christmas is about the gift God gave on the tree where Christ died for our sins, giving us the gift of eternal life.