Victorious Life Christian Center - Flagstaff

Wk1 - The Gospel is the Power of God



The only power on this earth that can change a life, is the power of the Lord Jesus Christ that comes through the power of His Word! His Word is called ‘The Gospel.’ I know some think this refers to the first four books of the New Testament… but it literally refers to the entire bible. ‘His Word’ is ‘the power or God unto salvation!’ Too many in the church do not understand the Gospel and what it literally means. ‘The Gospel’, misunderstood by so many Christians that they live beneath their ability to be victorious in their everyday lives. Paul understood ‘the Gospel’ then and wrote to help us understand 'the Gospel' and what it means today! How is that we turn to, and then turn away from the very Gospel that brings us salvation, deliverance and victory? We need to begin to understand the power of God in our life that comes through the Word of God. Join us as we begin a brand-new series on ‘God’s Word and God’s Grace’ as we learn and understand why the Gospel is called, ‘The Power of God!