Victorious Life Christian Center - Flagstaff



Welcome to the 'Destined To Win' Podcasts with the sermons and teachings of Pastor and Teacher, Tim Masters.


  • Desperation Produces Aspiration

    24/06/2019 Duração: 52min

    Have you seen the poster of the cat hanging on a rope with a knot in it. The caption read ‘Tie a Knot and Hang on, Friday is coming.’ Is this not the way many feel? I think if we looked at that rope a little closer, we’d see not one knot, but rather many knots. “Hanging On” is all we do. Now understand, this is one of a Christians biggest problems, many are just ‘Hanging On!’ Oh, not that hanging on is bad. It is just that too many are bent on hanging on to the wrong things. And when they have gotten to the proverbial, ‘end of their rope’ they've just hung on… giving up the fight that would lead them to victory. This is not God's Plan... God wants you and I to live a 'Victorious Christian Life' and not just 'hang on' in life. Join us as we continue our series, 'God is Working Out What He is Working In' and see how God wants to help us to change from the inside out.

  • Men of God, Make A Difference

    16/06/2019 Duração: 40min

    Father's Day! What a better way to start the day than to bring dad to church to praise the Lord together! Join us as we celebrate and honor the father's who have touched the lives of their children and family, and left life-long impressions in many important areas of life.

  • Expecting God's Will is God's Plan

    11/06/2019 Duração: 51min

    God has a plan for each of us and it is Gods will that we begin to expect and see Gods plan come to pass in our lives. Yet the fact is, each of us still experience various struggles at various times. How did men and women of God face and overcome real life circumstances? They continually reminded and reassured themselves of God’s faithfulness. Jeremiah knew about life’s struggles, and he continually dealt with the problems of people, acceptance and attitudes; then penned some of the most encouraging words in scripture… 'the plans the Lord has for us are plans of success, victory and overcoming.' Join us as we learn to that God's Will is that we Expect God's Plan for our lives.

  • The Problem With Yesterday

    11/06/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    God gives us all things, desiring that we rejoice in all things. He gives today and says, “Rejoice and Be Glad in it.” He gives us tomorrow and says, "Don't worry about what it's going to be." Yet there is another day, it is called 'Yesterday.' It is what we call the ‘once upon a time’, or for some the ‘I wished it hadn't ever happened’. Yet others call it the ‘if only’ or the ‘should've been.’ I’ve heard it said, “Tomorrow is the today that you worried about yesterday.” The past can be the most difficult thing we’ve ever dealt with. For some it’s more a nightmare than dream. A time that should have been joyous and happy, is found so full of pain and hurt. There seems to be a problem with yesterday, to some it never goes away. So many people live their entire lives trying to make up for it. What they did or didn’t do, say or mean. Many never change what they do for fear of what they've done, nor ever attain what they’d like as they are convinced they won’t. Never again fully stand up for fear they’ll once a

  • He Is The Melody, We Are His Song

    26/05/2019 Duração: 47min

    I have shared for years that, despite 'Carpe Diem', I believe most would be better off to enjoy the moment, and not to live in it. A truth I have shared for years, is yesterday's victories will become tomorrows defeats, if we do not choose to move on to what the future holds, not what the past has produced. There are some who get so lost in what lay behind them that they fail to see what lay before them? This I know, God always knows and has better just ahead; every morning is new… God has done some incredible things in the past few years. We have had some great outreaches; we have had guest speakers with local, national and even international influence. And we have raised up men and women that are now fulfilling the roles that God has called them to be. The question I want to ask this morning; will we allow God to play out His plan for Victorious Life and our individual lives, His way? Not being satisfied in what was, but rather allow our contentment to be in what is yet to be? Join us as we continue our

  • Is Water Baptism Commanded

    23/05/2019 Duração: 48min

    Join us as Pastor Tim and the VLCC church family shares in the dedication of babies as scriptures says 'Children were dedicated to the Lord'; and also the Baptizing of the grown children and adults as scripture commands all to baptized by being immersed in water. Join us for an incredible day of blessing, fulfillment of heart and purpose in the love of God.

  • Mother's Day Celebration

    12/05/2019 Duração: 41min

    Enjoy as Pastor Ray gives our Mother's Day Celebration service. "Blessed Is The Woman Who Walks With God."

  • Missons Sunday

    28/04/2019 Duração: 01h13min

    Today we hear about how the Christian Motorcycle Association is spreading the word of Christ around the world. It's an amazing ministry that VLCC is proud to support and be a part of.

  • Resurrection Sunday

    21/04/2019 Duração: 59min

    Today we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pastor Tim explains how we are Victorious Because of Easter. With the help of our drama department the resurrection is explained.

  • Great Expectations PT II

    07/04/2019 Duração: 52min

    There is a truth I must concede, 'What I do to myself causes more success or failure than what others do to me'. The fact is, God has already established my victory… but do I expect it? We must understand that whether ministry, business, relationships or just everyday life, you and I determine what we expect of life and living, whether it be good or bad; being a pessimist or an optimist. A statement I have made for years, 'Everything we do is a reflection of what we believe. Every action we take is simply a reaction based on the attitude of our heart. It is more times than not, that we bring limitations upon ourselves. So in this I must ask, what are really believing for? Join us this week as we begin a brand new series titled, 'Great Expectations'; and learn how to seek, believe and receive all that we expect God to do in our lives as we live for and in Him.

  • Great Expectations PT 1

    31/03/2019 Duração: 01h01min

    There is a truth I must concede, 'What I do to myself causes more success or failure than what others do to me'. The fact is, God has already established my victory… but do I expect it? We must understand that whether ministry, business, relationships or just everyday life, you and I determine what we expect of life and living, whether it be good or bad; being a pessimist or an optimist. A statement I have made for years, 'Everything we do is a reflection of what we believe. Every action we take is simply a reaction based on the attitude of our heart. It is more times than not, that we bring limitations upon ourselves. So in this I must ask, what are really believing for? Join us this week as we begin a brand new series titled, 'Great Expectations'; and learn how to seek, believe and receive all that we expect God to do in our lives as we live for and in Him.

  • Running With Purpose To Overcome

    24/03/2019 Duração: 51min

    We are a people unlike any other on the earth. As Christians, we are the only people on the earth that can stand with confidence and say I know I’ll overcome. Those who’ve made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior have had their course set before them. All they have to do to win the victory is to follow that course. Yet it is not just acceding the course set before us, it is accepting the course set before us for we know that 'narrow is the way that leads to life, and only few find it.' So in this, we must always be purposeful in our steps

  • Running With Purpose to Overcome

    17/03/2019 Duração: 32min

    We are a people unlike any other on the earth. As Christians, we are the only people on the earth that can stand with confidence and say I know I’ll overcome. Those who’ve made Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior have had their course set before them. All they have to do to win the victory is to follow that course. Yet it is not just acceding the course set before us, it is accepting the course set before us for we know that 'narrow is the way that leads to life, and only few find it.' So in this, we must always be purposeful in our steps

  • Guest: Pastor Mike Tenpenny

    12/03/2019 Duração: 01h08min

    In II Timothy 2:2 ... Paul is teaching Timothy about others, and how to look at their lives in Christianity and for God's Kingdom: "You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others." The question when anyone is in a church or in ministry is threefold... 'Did God put you there', Did Man put you there', or 'Did you put yourself there?' Join us as we invite Pastor Mike Tenpenny, formerly of Lamb of God Bible Church; to purpose to set forth and help us to learn for ourselves the answer to those questions.

  • Be Persistent To Overcome

    07/03/2019 Duração: 42min

    There is a fact in all aspects of life and that fact is only about 10% of those who do anything get payout for what they do. Seems a bit low, and it is… but what is the reason? The 10% are those who persist no matter what the odds. And in this, they collect on what the others have invested. Sounds like secular reasoning, it is... and it's the same in Christianity. Sadly, many Christians give up before they ever obtain their reward simply because they grow tired in the everyday task of Christian living. They get so close but yet they are still so far. One man once said, “None sink so far into hell as those that come nearest to heaven.” Life is not a journey you can just jump in and out of if you expect to overcome, you must persist to overcome. The scriptures are clear; ‘those that endure till the end...’ ‘Be not weary in well doing...’ ‘Be not deceived, you’ll reap what you sow.’ ‘Be self-controlled, standing firm...’ ‘Be steadfast, immovable...’ and many, many more scriptures on persistence. Join us this wee

  • Exposing the Lie of Evolution - Special Guest: Russ Miller

    24/02/2019 Duração: 01h03min

    Russ Miller's mission is to confirm Biblical Truth and expose misinterpretations of God’s creation in order to exalt Jesus Christ as our Creator, Judge and redeeming Savior. Russ speaks all over the country using science to confirm topics like creation vs evolution, the great flood, and more.

  • Running Consistently Causes Victory

    24/02/2019 Duração: 41min

    Consistency is one of the, if not ‘the’ most critical aspect to the person who would be victorious in life! There are too many who don’t make the cut because they cut and run before they make it. Let me give you the picture of a consistent person, a Mom! Mothers are made of consistency. Let’s use another word or two… dependability, stability! As are missionaries who lose themselves in their labor even though it yields little fruit. You find faithfulness in employees who show up on time, roll up their sleeves and commit themselves more to doing the job than watching the clock. Do you want to overcome? Learn to be consistent! Consistency is birthed with an entire family or inherent characteristics! Determination is its strength; diligence its brother; dependability its partner; discipline its parent. This is why we must understand and accept the concept of consistency if we are to ever overcome! Join us this week as we continue our series, ‘How Do We Overcome?’ and look at one of victory's closest allies, frie

  • Life A Journey We Can Overcome

    12/02/2019 Duração: 51min

    Life is a journey, except prepared for, we'll not be ready for the unexpected twist and turns, valleys and mountains we will encounter. Yet, it is a journey that as a Christian we have the advantage… we know someone who has journeyed before us. So, because of this, we learn ‘trust.’ And learning trust is essential to overcoming the obstacles we’ll face in life. A daily commitment to our Lord is required to live life victoriously. God promises that if we’ll be committed to the end, we’ll Overcome!’ In this new series, we will learn ‘How to Overcome in Life’ with three simple essentials: We look unto Him who is always our example and encouragement giving us direction, assistance, hope and strength, in all our sufferings. We consider Him who has already faced all things for us that in us He can give us strength in all things. And to trust Him as our advantage knowing He’s been where we are and can get us where we are going!

  • Marriage Sunday at Victorious Life

    03/02/2019 Duração: 01h01min

    In today's society, marriage between a man and a woman is under attack. The nuclear family is under attack. Many groups are working diligently to redefine what constitutes marriage. It is clearly understood in the pages of scripture what marriage is and what marriage is not. At Victorious Life, we are committed to the marriage structure the way God intended it to be. Join us, Sunday February 3rd at 10am... as Pastor Ray and Bev Henry and the VLCC Marriage Ministry Team share what Gods' plans are and have always been for marriage and the family, and how we are establishing many aspects of ministry to help husbands and wives have the marriage God intended for their lives.

  • Are We Abusers of our Substance?

    27/01/2019 Duração: 01h03min

    We have been talking about a Brand-New beginning… sharing about how this year does not have to be a repeat of last year. It can be, should be and must be and that change accomplished comes from the resolve of heart that say's no matter the cost I will pay the price to move beyond what always has been. I’d be remiss on this topic of a brand-new beginning, to leave this subject out as it is most likely the number one area causing stress and distress in our lives. Learning and knowing how God deals with It is paramount to our victorious future. The promise of peace and provision are something we need almost more than we need anything in life. There is so much stress in life and anything that will relieve the stress is welcomed. In John 16:33 Jesus said, "I have told you these things, so you may have peace in Me. In the world you will have much trouble. But take hope! I have power over the world!” (NLV) Join as we conclude our Brand-New Year series.

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