Victorious Life Christian Center - Flagstaff

Heaven: I Can Only Image Pt 2



There is an old adage out there that simply says, ‘All Gave Some, But Some Gave All!’ Another, that is greatly similar, ‘American is the land of the free, because of the brave!’ The past is an interesting part of the present. Yesterday is something that we can either run from or something that we can learn from. If you don’t learn from history, (the past), it tends to repeat itself and we will fall into the same traps as we did before. Our dear young (not old) country is doing the same thing. So many, have given so much, for so long to keep this country safe and strong. They did this for one reason, to keep this nation free. Freedom! Yet many today fail to remember or even realize, the whole reason America was settled in the first place was to be under the one who could truly keep this great nation free, God! To remain free we must remain, ‘One Nation Under God’ if not we will be ‘one nation gone under!’ Join us this Sunday as we recognize Veteran’s Day and all those who gave some, and remember some of those